This series focuses around the player's ability to draw cards that they desire from the deck by manipulating other variables on the field, ranging from deck to quanta. It's divided into two mini-sets, 'Precursors' and 'Revolutionaries'.
'Precursors' are generally more straightforward and lenient with their effects - They're generally more expensive or less efficient, but provide the most straightforward advantages and easiest way to cycle cards between your deck and hand. They will all give you a way to keep drawing a card from the deck each as long as you can provide the quanta.
'Revolutionaries'/Deck Revealers are generally more demanding and specific with their effects - all of them force you to reveal a card from your deck before you draw it, and even then the designated card might have to be specific card or require costs beforehand. Nevertheless, when used correctly they can be a great help to a deck. The ability to reveal the top card of your deck is passive, and generally is accompanied by an additional active effect that takes advantage of your ability to see the top card.