Discounting the Salvage and Discard Boosts, I think your totals are off for
(Air Salvage) PlayerOa 3 - 1 Vineroz (Water Discard) = 3 Cards Discarded
Base 6 Discards -2 for EC, -2 for Boost +1 for final score(Life Gen) Mr Muffin 3-2 (Water Gen)(Sub) ddevans96 = 4 Discarded
Base 6 Discards -2 for EC(Water Lt.) RavingRabbid 3 - 1 Danieela (Fire Discard) = 8 Salvaged
Base 6 Salvage +2 for EC(Water Merc.) Naii_the_Baf 3 - 0 Player 4 (Death Lt.) = 9 Salvaged
Base 6 Salvage +2 for EC +1 for final score-3 - 4 + 8 + 9 = 10Ignoring the -2 Discards from the Boost, they should have 8 more cards in their vault not 9, unless I've failed at my math