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War #12 - Round 1 Results & Countdown https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=66640.msg1283869#msg1283869
« on: January 07, 2019, 03:09:02 am »
Duels 24/24

Fighting ends!

StandingElementTotalDuels (24)WLM
Total = Adjustment to Vault this round due to all changes.
W = Wins
L = Losses
M = Modifiers from Events, Penalties, etc.

Transmutation Modifiers:

:life: -7 cards: Major vault edits

*Note - Super EC Religious salv/disc bonus has only been recorded in the modifiers column of the second table and not in the first table. Also the salvage and discard soldier roles bonuses have not been added yet. please be patient and bear with me while I add them in. I think I managed to get these all accounted for properly. please let me know if you find any errors.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2019, 04:25:05 am by mathman101 »
Unstable Gas Can't Melt Steel Golems.
War #10 Team Death
War #11 Team Entropy
War #12 War Master

Offline rob77dp

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Re: War #12 - Round 1 Results & Countdown https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=66640.msg1284218#msg1284218
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2019, 05:31:45 am »
Is this thing up-to-date? It isn't accurate for :death at least... showing 2-1 when so far our results are 1W 2L. Not a major issue at this point, just pointing it out as I noticed.
Death War #12/TBD TTG Brawl #6/1st Death War #10/9th GP Brawl #5/6th Death War #9/9th MoL Brawl #4/3rd Water War #8/7th DDD Brawl #3/3rd*Death War #7/5th*Death War #6/11th

Offline kaempfer13

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Re: War #12 - Round 1 Results & Countdown https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=66640.msg1284240#msg1284240
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2019, 04:21:42 pm »
can salvage/discard part reflect ec choices? or will we only find out starting next round?
:gravity War 10
:death and tied for master of STANDIN War 11
Master of :time War 12

Offline worldwideweb3

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Re: War #12 - Round 1 Results & Countdown https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=66640.msg1284241#msg1284241
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2019, 04:23:04 pm »
can salvage/discard part reflect ec choices? or will we only find out starting next round?

Modifiers show that.
First player to become master of 3 different elements.
WC 2016 - #2. WC 2015 - #3 Devil's gate, Trinity, War #10, 12 lives - #2.
Avvy by rob77dp
Rightful winner of war #14 - Team Air

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Re: War #12 - Round 1 Results & Countdown https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=66640.msg1284259#msg1284259
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2019, 10:22:24 pm »
:life cheating again :sillyspin:

Offline Jen-i

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Re: War #12 - Round 1 Results & Countdown https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=66640.msg1284260#msg1284260
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2019, 10:24:54 pm »
Discounting the Salvage and Discard Boosts, I think your totals are off for :water

(Air Salvage) PlayerOa 3 - 1 Vineroz (Water Discard) = 3 Cards Discarded
Base 6 Discards -2 for EC, -2 for Boost +1 for final score

(Life Gen) Mr Muffin 3-2 (Water Gen)(Sub) ddevans96 = 4 Discarded
Base 6 Discards -2 for EC

(Water Lt.) RavingRabbid 3 - 1 Danieela (Fire Discard) = 8 Salvaged
Base 6 Salvage +2 for EC

(Water Merc.) Naii_the_Baf 3 - 0 Player 4 (Death Lt.) = 9 Salvaged
Base 6 Salvage +2 for EC +1 for final score

-3 - 4 + 8 + 9 = 10
Ignoring the -2 Discards from the Boost, they should have 8 more cards in their vault not 9, unless I've failed at my math
Lux Kyrie

Offline kaempfer13

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  • kaempfer13 soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.kaempfer13 soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.kaempfer13 soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.kaempfer13 soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.kaempfer13 soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.kaempfer13 soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.kaempfer13 soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.kaempfer13 soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.
  • Awards: There Can Only Be One - 2020 WinnerSlice of Elements 11th Birthday CakeOEtG Rags to Riches WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerElements League 3/2018 2nd PlaceWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerThere Can Be Only One - 2018 WinnerWeekly Tournament Winner12th Trials - Master of TimeSlice of Elements 9th Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament WinnerElements League 2/2017 2nd PlaceWeekly Tournament WinnerWinner of Draft #4 - PvP EventSlice of Elements 8th Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerDeckbuilding Competition: It's Greek to MeWeekly Tournament Winner
Re: War #12 - Round 1 Results & Countdown https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=66640.msg1284264#msg1284264
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2019, 11:54:17 pm »
we should have 2 less discards from our entropy match because of discards role
:gravity War 10
:death and tied for master of STANDIN War 11
Master of :time War 12

Offline shockcannon

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Re: War #12 - Round 1 Results & Countdown https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=66640.msg1284265#msg1284265
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2019, 12:48:48 am »
Sorry to add to list of error but just want to make sure it’s not ignored. We should have 6 discards for Zyardran match against entropy as opposed to the 8 listed. Thank you!
You are what you eat from your head to your feet

Offline Jen-i

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Re: War #12 - Round 1 Results & Countdown https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=66640.msg1284266#msg1284266
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2019, 01:03:03 am »
The results of the boosts have not yet been added to the results sheet, but if you notice at the bottom of the results page the war masters have said that they are aware of this and that those updates will be done correctly.
Lux Kyrie

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Re: War #12 - Round 1 Results & Countdown https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=66640.msg1284267#msg1284267
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2019, 01:04:07 am »
Discounting the Salvage and Discard Boosts, I think your totals are off for :water

(Air Salvage) PlayerOa 3 - 1 Vineroz (Water Discard) = 3 Cards Discarded
Base 6 Discards -2 for EC, -2 for Boost +1 for final score

(Life Gen) Mr Muffin 3-2 (Water Gen)(Sub) ddevans96 = 4 Discarded
Base 6 Discards -2 for EC

(Water Lt.) RavingRabbid 3 - 1 Danieela (Fire Discard) = 8 Salvaged
Base 6 Salvage +2 for EC

(Water Merc.) Naii_the_Baf 3 - 0 Player 4 (Death Lt.) = 9 Salvaged
Base 6 Salvage +2 for EC +1 for final score

-3 - 4 + 8 + 9 = 10
Ignoring the -2 Discards from the Boost, they should have 8 more cards in their vault not 9, unless I've failed at my math

Yup, looks like an adding error on my part. Will fix tonight when I am at a computer.

we should have 2 less discards from our entropy match because of discards role
Sorry to add to list of error but just want to make sure it’s not ignored. We should have 6 discards for Zyardran match against entropy as opposed to the 8 listed. Thank you!

*Note - Super EC Religious salv/disc bonus has only been recorded in the modifiers column of the second table and not in the first table yet. Also the salvage and discard soldier roles bonuses have not been added yet. please be patient and bear with me while I add them in.

Also the salvage and discard soldier roles bonuses have not been added yet. please be patient and bear with me while I add them in.

Also the salvage and discard soldier roles bonuses have not been added yet.

Thank you very much for the notice of missing discard roles. I will be adding these in tonight when I get home from work and have access to a computer again.

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Re: War #12 - Round 1 Results & Countdown https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=66640.msg1284269#msg1284269
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2019, 01:08:15 am »
Sorry to add to list of error but just want to make sure it’s not ignored. We should have 6 discards for Zyardran match against entropy as opposed to the 8 listed. Thank you!

They must have calculated with a 3-0 scoreline, since we have 7 discards here instead of 6.
<---- A nice purple pie, shiny cups and a trio of cakes on a red platter, a box of candies and an ice cream cone on chocolate! :) Bon appétit!

"It's hard to detect good luck - it looks so much like something you've earned." - Frank A. Clark


blarg: deuce22,Kalinuial,kaempfer13,shockcannon,ARTHANASIOS,iancudorinmarian,PlayerOa,Vineroz,Player 4,TheonlyrealBeef,Zawadx,serprex,worldwideweb3,JonathanCrazyJ,Aves,Blacksmith,DoubleCapitals,CCCombobreaker,Annele,Zyardran,Nai_the_Baf,moehrpi,immortal feud,majofa,Mr Muffin,ddevans96,andreatimpa,RavingRabbid,DANIEELA,dawn to dusk,InsignificantWeeaboo,Vindilos,Manuel,Mobian,Odii Odsen,MasterWalks,rob77dp,vagman13,Wyand