Problem is, even if you were following what was statistically the most sound, without solving the problem of belief, you don't know what you must assume. Statistics in your favour are actually all rigged...
Consider this:
God A says you MUST be an atheist.
God B says you MUST be a theist.
Both Gods will punish and reward in the same way.
Chances are 50/50
Oh, and if there is no God, chances are worse of course, sorry
The atheist has the best chances, 2/3
So the statistics are pretty useless unless you have some evidence in favour of some God. Once you have compelling evidence, statistics are no longer required. Also many modern Christians do not really believe in hell. What is really supported best?
That is one lenient God B and a very strict God A. In fact they would never be believed for each commands you to believe something else than themselves. God A commands disbelief and God B's commands are compatible with a belief in a stricter conventional God.
Consider that for every behavior/reward -- behavior/punishment combination, there is an inverse. In other words, it's possible that the only way to avoid Hell and go to Heaven is by not believing in Christ. This is just as likely as the Christian proposition and its costs/benefits cancel the Christian ones out exactly. What dominance remains?!
Christ: believe only in Christ 1
God B: do not believe in Christ 2
Are Christ 1 (god) and Christ 2 (mortal) the same? No. Dominant strategy: believe in Christ 1.
PS: I have been evaluating relative values.
Pascal's wager was intended to convince agnostics that theism is preferable to atheism. Hence its conclusion is that following in any rewarded path is more beneficial than following a neutral or punishing path.
With an infinite amount of possible deities the net benefit of the rewarded path shrinks but remains strictly greater than the neutral path.
As has already been pointed out, no path is truly neutral. Atheism is a rewarded path, but the rewards are not as pronounced. However, the probability of atheism being correct is so dramatically greater than any of the other paths that it is the only rational choice -- unless you really believe that Flying Spaghetti Monsterism can be a rational choice.
The value of living your life believing what you believe is independent of the ontological nature of God. Hence it is a constant to be removed when determining the value of options.
hard Atheism (or the sum of soft atheism responses used to eliminate possibilities until only one remains) has a 50% chance (or less) of being right but the expected value of being an atheist for a blank human is less than that of Flying Spaghetti Monsterism. Hence Flying Spaghetti Monsterism is a rational choice.
Now I know that someone is going to challenge the 50%(or less) chance of hard Atheism.
I have a pane of glass. What does it look like?
Clear = no color.