It's disproven because under "god exists" there should be "infinity and -infinity". (see below)
| God Doesn't Exist | God Exists |
Theist | 0 | Infinity & (-Infinity) |
Atheist | 0 | Infinity & (-Infinity) |
^^^^ Because you have to prove that god only rewards it's believers and punishes non-believers. What if god punishes it's believers in the after life? What god only rewards atheists? What if god punishes everyone? What if god rewards everyone? Regardless of how unlikely you may feel these are you must logicialy disprove every other possibility of gods rewards and punishments. Pascals wager is disproven until then.
Keep in mind, pascals wager works great on a biblical basis because you've been given the image of god. However, an atheist has no image of god. A god could be anything and your partially assuming your religion is the only religion that is right.
Your also assuming that a right religion has been created. Thus, if you stop assuming that the right religion has been created, there could be a god that rewards atheism and self sufficiency and punishes theism. No one would know this religion because it rewards atheism. See how that works? No one would know about this god because because it has no believers. Just that example of a different religion with a completely different god completely inverts pascals wager making both squares under "god exists" "Infinity & (-Infinity)"
Once again, however unlikely these scenarios, logically you can't prove pascals wager. However, I think we have missed a very important philosophical message. (Even if it is a blunder?) Perhaps we should place a bet. I've always gone from soft christian to soft atheist. Maybe it's wise to make a decision. Because if i'm part soft christian I may lose favour with the god that rewards atheism.
Edit: I just realized there's a possibility of a god who rewards people who don't make up their minds. Darn logic.