I wish someone else would psot as well, not because im not enjoying my conversation with you, but because its getting sorta monotanous talking about the same thing over and over. I like variety. Anyways, first thing,
man, you cant take a joke can you? Ill be sure to always put /joke next to anything I can.
From BluePriest (aka me)
And to the final thing you mentioned, so are you saying black people are mutants? or perhaps the white people are? Just because their skin is a different color? no, their body adapted. It didnt mutate. Theres a difference, no matter the color.
That better?

If thats what you were talking abot, if not, then the jokes on me

Before I get into anything els,e Im going to go to a few random things in our post.
Quote from: BluePriest on Today at 02:21:46 AM
[...]Macro Evolution, no one has seen.[...] [...] The article then explains it away saying that there is no real difference between micro and macro evolution in the long run. It is very misleading there, as when it talks about macro, it is still saying that the moths will be moths, just different kinds, and even in thousands of years, they will still be moths. That is the problem. It is still the same type of animal, even though it may not be sexually compatible anymore with the previous ones.[...]
Well there *is* no difference between the mechanics of micro and macro evolution (those are creationist terms, by the way). Nobody has seen species undergo huge changes ("seen macro evolution") because ten thousand years is a very short time span for evolution.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MacroevolutionNot a creationist term, its actually a scientific term.
In summary:
Evolution works like described in my first post. Natural selection is vital for it to function, because it essentially sets the course for evolution. It determines which genes become widespread and which genes fall out of the gene pool. The significance of mutations then is in that the potential for change in a species is not limited by what genes exist in its gene pool as new genes are slowly being added to it.
Hypothetical speaking is not beneficial to this discussion at all as I could talk hypothetically about a supreme being creating all of us. Thats the thing with science, things often end up different in practice than what is predicted in theory.
Now, Ive got a question, Is there a difference between a rabbit getting gradually bigger over the years, vs a rabbit growing wings over the year?
What about fur color changing over the years vs growing wings over the years?
My nephew could tell me that the wings is far different than fur color changing and getting bigger. Hes 5 by the way. /joke
Whether you want to admit it or not, there is a difference between change within a species, and change through species. And there is definitely a change between change crossing the species boundary only, and change crossing the family boundary so that it is no longer considered to be part of that animal family.
I have a ton of different arguments im waiting on, Ill doing my best to explain the things you are saying, however, when speaking hypothetically all the time, it i very hard to disprove, because it is your hypothetical situation, so anything could happen in it, and it is impossible to disprove one.
That is why I am asking for scientific facts on how a bacterial flagellum was created. How something was created randomly in nature, when scientists, an intelligent being, have yet to be able to do such a thing.
Im not even talking about some type of god here. I could explain my beliefs in a very scientific way, however, the thing is, they are all just hypothesis as well, and you wouldnt be able to disprove them because of that. So theres no point in me brining it up. The whole point of this topic wasnt to prove intelligent design, its to critically think about evolution, and yet, all youve done is give me fairy tales on how something COULD have happend, or how it COULD happen, and then misrepresent facts, and try to discredit me.
Wont touch on the loss of genetic information thing, natural selection chooses pre-existing data, and you do loose information through it, you do gain genetic information through mutations sometimes (researched it further and I was wrong, so sue me).
Now, once again, id like information on the bacterial flagellum please. If you are tired of hearing about it, then just say you cant explain it, and ill go to my next point. Thats simple enough. Theres tons of different things I have to mention, Im learning, however, I still am far from believing that evolution should be taught as anything more than a widely accepted
hypothesis (I used the right word this time, yay!)