I dont know where I said that. In fact, I believe I pretty much said just the opposite. I think I just admitted that probably 100% of the world sins on a monthly basis. And that is just under 1 of the 10 commandments.
Once again, I never said I think the world is perfect. All I am saying is that it is not as bad as people make it out to be. Nothing more nothing less. In fact, the world is flawed due to the origin of sin (I believe I mentioned that as well but that may have been another topic).
The only way to come to that conclusion is to twist reality around until it starts to jive with your assumption.
How am I twisting reality?
If you want to have a conversation, be prepared to give examples, preferably in the post you say them so that we dont have to waste time asking each other what we are talking about. Since you seem to continue to be under the impression that I think the world is perfect, even though I specifically said (and just quoted myself saying) that it isnt, it is making me believe that you are having trouble looking at me as an individual Christian, and are instead lumping me into this worldview you have of Christians as a whole, which I can assure you I do not fall into. I do hope that isnt the case, however, you are not doing much to show otherwise.