Evolving doesn't affect what we believe in or don't really, some of us beleive in the supernatural due to someone at some point having a idea about something that they considered impossible or to explain what was happening when they couldn't explain it. "Supernatural beliefs evolve from the ancient people that didn’t know any better and were scared of everything
unknown to them. They spread their stories about things that they saw and created stories to account for the happenings. Most of the things that happened could be explained through science but there wasn’t any scientific knowledge back then. Ever play the game ‘Telephone’ and what was said at the beginning wasn’t what was heard at the end? People just naturally love to embellish stories and I believe that is how the supernatural stuff was created." That is what one person has said about this sort of convosation before and is one reason as to why we may have and still do believe in the supernatural at times, plus it seems human nature to try and scare other people to make them heed our every word as law so whats more scary than mentioning something that people know nothing really about? It is like going up to a really young child and telling them that if they go downstairs or out their room at night a monster will eat them, it scares them and keeps them under control.
Oh also I found this on a wiki page "The supernatural or supranatural (Latin: super, supra "above" + natura "nature") is not clearly defined because the antithesis, the natural is not clearly defined rendering: above or beyond what one holds to be natural or existing outside the laws of nature. Some people associate the supernatural with the paranormal, the occult or religion. In Catholicism and historical Scholasticism, divine miracles are considered supernatural."
My view is that religion is mainly there to make people feel like even though they mess up their lives etc that in some weird way their life had some meaning, its more there as a crutch for people that aren't (in some terms) stronge enough to live just to live. Some people need their religion (even when it can be proven wrong) to keep them living life, without it they would be nothing but a jibbering wreck in the corner of a room. Religion in some ways is bad as it has been the thing for 2,000 years that has caused countless wars and arguements, is has been used by most to keep everyone else under control and to promote fear that if you do something they deem wrong you go to "hell".
But that is just my view and opinion. People can believe whatever they want as its only half the religion's fault its mainly the people trying to follow it.
Now back to enjoying the convosation