Yeah, most games that I won with this deck, it was usually when I was almost out of cards, but not quite. Mindgate enough creatures and stuff and you'll usually win eventually.
A good trick if you Mindgate a Steal is to wait a turn, and then steal back whatever the AI steals from you. (assuming it's a card you care about) Knowing AI priority for what it steals first can play into this as well. I don't know all the orders yet, but it likes to take Eternity before anything else, then Hourglasses, then Mindgates. 99% of the time it does things in a certain order, but the AI does occasionally break that order; I lost one game because I played a Pulverizer thinking it was safe with an Hourglass on the board, and the AI stole my Pulverizer and ignored the hourglass.
I do think that this deck needs a lot of work still. However, the general idea of trying to find the best 'antiplatinum' deck seems to me to be a solid one. By anticipating the most common platinum decks and designing a deck specifically built to fight those, it should be possible to get some pretty nice electrum, and rare spins.