Zanz speaking.
In Elements 1.4 I intend to get rid of the old level 0,1,2,3... grind and replace it with a map populated with a wide variety of enemies and, eventually, quests. It will take a while and I will need some help so I am going to divide the task in several phases where the community can participate.
Phase 1: The bestiaryTo populate a map I'll need NPC's, create and submit your NPC here: beta version of something that we can use to create NPC's, they will vary in level between 0 and 120. In the interface you get to pick an image, a name, a description, a deck and some stats for the NPC that you would like to see in the game.
Soon we will also be able to test the current NPC and give them thumbs up or down.
Phase 2: Test the new NPC'sA *very* beta 1.4 is now in the trainer so that we can start testing the new NPC's.
The database is going to start a coarse tuning of the NPC level based on won/lost ratios, please try to be fair, refrain from rating your own deck and try not to use the trainer quanta boost while testing those new decks.
Phase 3: Create a WorldIn progress:
Can we have something faster to set HP?
Just type whatever number you like where is says hp:____ just underneath the HP bar.
Does this replace arena?
Even though i recycled the arena interface to save time, this has nothing to do with the arena and nothing will change with the arena; but I would like to see the your arena decks wondering on the map in a level appropriate zone.
900 hp, isn't that too much?
The NPC creator is just a sandbox tool, it is not part of the game, we are going to need all kind of NPC's, from level 0 critters with 5 HP that give next to nothing as a reward to rare-elite NPC that are hard to find and very hard to kill.
If a "pinata" NPC with 900hp and no defenses is fun to hit with huge numbers... why not add it to the game? That is why I removed most restrictions.
What is going to happen to the old AI0,1,2,3,4 and FG?
They can all stay and find a new home on the map, they just need a name (if they do not have one yet) and a description, the old FG's can even get their own zones as local bosses, surrounded by smaller minions.
In general I would like to keep:
AI0 like deck in level 0-10 areas
AI1 like deck in level 10-20 areas
AI2 like deck in level 20-30 areas
AI3 like deck in level 30-40 areas
AI4 like deck in level 40-50 areas
FG like decks in level 50-70 areas
Higher level areas will come as well.
How does the level work on the map?
With the map system the players are not going to get a random opponent anymore, they can go to a specific area on the map, say, for instance, an area with level 20"ish" darkness NPC's and adjust their deck to kill efficiently those decks. Elite NPC will also randomly appear and will be much harder to kill, but will give better rewards (of course). The map is also going to allow events, maybe next week an invasion of rustlers following the lead of a leaf dragon boss, maybe with a quest asking you to save the world of Elements from their leafy menace.
How about the kongregate badges?
The old AI's will still be around in some form, badges will be adjusted accordingly.
Taken from another thread.
Akebono temporarily moved in the area 106,103. (trainer, CTRL+F5).
In the final version false gods will appear in rare occasions and randomly on the map in areas level 60 or higher.
The Oracle will also find one for you once every day and mark its location on the map.
To approach a false god it is necessary to defeat at least one of their minions, any damage taken while in a false god lair will be permanent: next duel does not start at hpmax. (does not happen in the trainer yet)
Now the problem is: akebono has its own minion (half-blood strength npc) but the other false gods would like one too, if you feel creative please post your minions in the bestiary (and here).
Feedback about the FG mechanics is also welcome.
Taken from another thread.
These are the current NPCs for the starting areas:
Area Level > | 0 (palace) | 5 (area I) | 5 (area I, elite) |
| erwin, lycanthrope | Chaos-Scout, Quantaless Elemental | Chaos Devlet |
| virus, corpse | Bone Creep, Reversite | Poison Knight |
| graviton soldier, graviton recruit | Graviton guard squad, Graviton shock troop | Colossal Drake |
| antlion, zircon | Pirates, Antlion Herd | Grinder |
| rustler, wandering peasant | forest spirit, lively cat | knight of healing |
| firebug, fast phoenix | graviton fire eater. spiritblaze | knight of fire |
| mind reader, jelly fish | ice wall, crawler | Calm Waters |
| photon, apprentice of light | solar shield, flaming angel | proest of weak |
| butterfly, mosquito | storm caller, sevet | flyn |
| undead soldier, familiar deja vu | Dune Walker, Dark Ghost | Anubis |
| bat, pest | Shade, Scourge | Dark Devlet |
| spider lair, divine spark | local storm, mirage | Immortal Spirit |
| reingard, oracle squire | Gordon, Wanderer | Prism |
Currently in the trainer (CTRL+F5)
Suggestions for the missing ones? (???) You can still submit your own NPC candidate.
Taken from another post.@zanzarino:
Making the players choose to play against 1 specific deck is a bad idea, in my whole opinion. there will be a perfect counter for each one and they will become much more farmable than the current levels.
It would be fine if NPCs give you a random opponent between several different decks, like the current AIs.
If you enter a zone and kill all of the antlions because you want to farm them, they will all be dead and then you'll have to wait for them to respawn. In the while an angry 900hp elite Antlion will run after you trying to get revenge for your massacre.
Official answer: the map will have an AI attached to the mob spawning. Sitting in an area for farming will do no good.
Spoiler for rewards.
Spoiler for quote from Zanz:
The reward is going to be based on the NPC level, I'll have to refine the number of spins etc. later.
The electrum reward is probably going to be
Reward = 1 + NPClevel*2
Triple the reward if elite, double if EM. Master an elite to get X6.
This is pretty much what the arena settled upon: level 10 will give 21
, level 50 101
The money you lose if defeated should be reward/2 (lose to a level 10 = get poached for 10
Hardcore mode could be something to experiment with: if you lose, you lose one of the cards in your deck. (Please refrain from freaking about about nypmhs yet; there are solutions and we will get there if this is something worth exploring. E.g. your card turns into a broken card if rare, and can be fixed by paying an adequate (read expensive) amount of
The spin reward will probably be something like
level 0-10: 1 spin
level 10-20: 2 spins
level 20-30: 3 spins (as in current level 3)
level 30-40: 5 spins
level 40-50: 1 upped spin
level 50-60: 2 upped spins
level 60-70: 3 upped spins (as in current FG)
level 70-80: 4 upped spins
level 80-90: 5 upped spins
level 90 and above: 5 upped spins + 1 special spin for rares
All of the above to be reviewed, balanced, reviewed again, then fine tuned, polished and released in the game.
Spoiler for other questions and statements.