Entropy doesn't need matter to create itself. That is where we are not seeing eye to eye.
Imagine a singularity, there is nothing there, no time space, matter or anything.
Well due to entropy, out of nothing comes something. Nothing "breaks" down into matter and antimatter. Normally this process is not visible to us and has no effect because the matter and antimatter quickly annihilate each other and you are left with nothing again.
However, Entropy caused something to come from nothing in the first place. If there was no entropy, there would be no matter.
Do you see what I am saying? the universe began because Entropy caused a lot of matter-antimatter pairs to appear out of NOTHING. Yes matter came from nothing by means of Entropy.
Space itself wouldn't have existed until the matter came into existence either.Time however is tougher to talk about. There are different definitions of time. Under some definitions Time had to exist when the universe began but under other definitions, Time doesn't have to be doing anything or exist. It is quite hard for me to understand myself.
Hawking has stated time began with the Big Bang. Meaning Time couldn't have existed until Entropy caused the Big Bang. It is pretty damn confusing though I have to say.
I agree to the point that Entropy caused something to come from nothing in relation to the universe however,
This in itself is a process.
and what does a process require to begin and end?
with that, i concur that time is placed higher than entropy for that exact reason.
now, about what you said with "space".
It was argued that with the big bang, space and matter both came into existence at the same time to benefit each other and coexist.
however this was countered by what was said, that from the big bang, matter could not "outrun" space, because Matter needs space to exist, so it was said that space would have accelerated faster than matter itself so then all the Matter could be fit into what space there was at that time. It can´t be the reverse, where matter overlaps space, thats basically impossible.
however I could also argue that for the big bang to occur, space might have been needed for the event to occur, otherwise space would have to travel 100000000000x (Who knows how many zeros) faster than the speed of light
It may have been the space coming out of the big bang, or could there have already been space before the event?
such questions are most probably beyond our ability to answer (yet).