Accidentally skipped the earth PUgon and went straight to the next one
Winged Toadfish + CC from Air:
Nature's Wrath 9-1*. Hard Counter
Ignored the ice dragons and rage potted the toadfish at every chance I got. Deflagged Owl's Eye over Fog to win by out-stalling.
PUgons (Lightnings) 7-3*. Counter with skill/luck.
Was occasionally able to win the rush, but most of the time I had to sit behind dim shields and hope to burst them down. Playing against a human may have made things trickier. As a side note, I reckon this deck could do with a little extra aether quanta generation, I almost never had enough of it, even towards the end of matches.
PUgons (Silences) 1-9*. Not a counter.
Getting rid of the toadfish seem to make all the difference. It's easy enough to handle fog shield or toadfish, but not the two together.
I also did some testing using a 2/11 pillar/pend split, and it worked much better in both cases.
PUgons (Lightnings, mod) 9-1*. A good counter.
I'm very surprised how well this worked compared to the others. I haven't tried to fine tune it, but I feel the quanta flow is much better in this version and really allows this deck to burst.
PUgons(Silences, mod) 6-4. Based on luck.
Again, I'm surprised how well this worked compared to the other silence deck.
Frogtal 3-7. Not a counter
No surprises here. Probably would've been at least 2-8 against a human, but silences gave me an extra win or two.
Adrenatitans 7-3. Somewhat reliable counter.
Turns out RTs aren't the only CC that can bother Titans. Ice Bolt + Shockwave is still an instant kill, and for the first time ever I saw a titan run out of health, thanks to 7 poison counters and adrenaline.
Adrenaghosts 2-8. Not a counter.
Wings, 'nuff said.
Shockwave dragons 3-7*. Not a counter.
A combination of fog shield, high attack creatures and Owl's Eyes' persistent 5 damage per turn and what always seemed to be enough CC to handle any dragons was just too much to handle. Wins came only with a couple of early dragons and a slow start from the AI.
Stoned dragons 6-4*. Based on luck.
It all seemed to depend on whether or not I could hold off playing stone skins until ~50
quanta. Once I had that much it was a simply a matter of bursting with a few dragons. Also had the chance to deck the AI out a few times, but that's based on the coinflip.
*Replaced wings in opponents' decks with useless pillars as the AI played smarter without it (wasting air quanta, replacing fog shield with wings).