So.. hi. I'm AD Storm Bolt, and I've been playing on Elements for around a month now and finally found this amazing forum. So here I am.
I'm currently grinding in Bronze and Silver leagues and occasionally taking on a few False Gods or two (which usually ends in me losing, but I've had my fair share of wins.. like, one or two

yay), and I really wish I could do PvP, but for some reason it glitches out and says that I'm already in a PvP match and it'll show all the cards as question marks. Fun. Is there a way to fix this? I'm pretty sure it's because I stopped playing Elements a year ago and just recently got back into it, and I probably was in the middle of a PvP match when I quit. Do I have to delete my account and start over?
Well, all that aside, I've come to love Aether and Entropy as elements because of how abstract and unusual they are, I didn't even know they existed before I played Elements.
Things I love about Elements:
- Silence (so fun to use, especially when you can chain them together)
- All the elements there are (So many colors! What do they all mean?! NigaHiga references FTW)
- Toadfish (The very first deck I made was based around Toadfish)
- Entropy as a whole (So fun, there are so many different things it can do)
Things I hate.. kind of:
- Dimensional Shield (If you aren't me and you use this, I will blow up in front of my computer into a pile of little element cards)
- Any form of Permanent Control that is not beneficial to me
- Any form of CC that is not beneficial to me
- Basically anything that isn't beneficial to me
- Bad draws
So yeah.. how does one end a post in a non-awkward way?
Boom. Scroll down. Stop reading. Please. You don't need to read the rest of this. It's not important. Trust me. I know. Since you know, I typed it. Did you know that? I'm sure you did. But you're not reading anymore, right? Mmhmm, nope, you're not reading anymore. Good. Now you're gone.

I can rest in peace.