Regarding Conversion:
I think moomoose and I were discussing a conversion-style card that works along rustler's lines - converting quantum an infinite number of times.
Possibly a set number of times, like:
Frost Vial:
Element : Water
Cost : 2 Other
Ability : 3 : Generate

. Can be used 5 times each turn.
HP as a quantum source is something we may possibly use for a Pseudo-element.
EDIT : Nepycros and I had a little discussion, and the result was the following suggestions for cards. This may leak slightly into our Pseudo-element ideas.
Blood Altar:
Element : Other
Cost : 2 Other
Ability : Pay 5 HP : generate 2 quantum. This can be used twice per turn.
Spirit Altar:
Element : Other
Cost : 2 Other
Ability : Pay 3 Max HP : generate 2 quantum. This can be used twice per turn.
Note : The Max HP paid here will affect your current HP.