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Messages - Piter De Vries (24)

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Card Ideas and Art / Re: New element : Clockwork
« on: January 20, 2010, 02:41:19 pm »
Although i am very interested in that debate, i will not continue it here, because that's not what the topic is about.

What is "Pole" ?
I like clockwork, yeah. I'm gonna change it. Quite the idea i wanted, without beeing able to put a name on it.

Card Ideas and Art / New element : Clockwork
« on: January 19, 2010, 09:01:50 pm »
Hello again,

here's a new element. The Killer Bees from Essence made me think about it, but i've not copied the idea he did, it only inspired me. The main idea of that element is to have creatures and permanents helping each other, creating each other. That's its most weakness at the same time; a big creature or permanent controller will probably kill this mono deck. There is one new way to deal with ennemy permanents, and as usual, i've put there many synergies between those cards.
As usual too, i will update that first post with your comments, balancing ideas, etc... I'm never totally objective when creating those cards, your help is welcome.
... and if you have better names, throw them in! As you can see, english isn't my native language, so i'm lacking of vocabulary for names (using a dictionnary isn't totally solving that problem).
Just in case, i say it again here: i actively support the idea of Elements becoming a 14 or 16 elements game. So this idea can go with my other topic about Blood element (,1860.0.html), and the one about Mind element (,2270.0.html) by Koxeida.

New element : Clockwork (thanks to Essence for the name, better than Machine or Metal)

New ability : repair. Using this ability heals all clockwork creatures of the owner by 2 HP.
New ability : permanent infest. The creature using this ability suicides, infesting a permanent. This permanent will be turned into a Crazy Factory within 2 turns.
New ability : upg. permanent infest. The creature using this ability suicides, infesting a permanent. This permanent will be turned into an up. Crazy Factory within 2 turns.
New ability : vindictive. When a creature has this ability, it will loose 1 HP (as damage) and gain 3 attack (definitely) each time it's going to attack.
New ability : replicate. When a creature uses this ability, it pays the cost, then is stuck in a time bubble for 1 turn. If alive after that turn, it creates a copy of itself, which has ability replicate too.
New ability : Fabric building. This passive ability triggers when the owner has 8 of that creature. They all 8 take 6 damage and a Golem Fabric is created to the owner.
New ability : Factory building. This passive ability triggers when the owner has 8 of that creature. They all 8 take 6 damage and a Golem Factory is created to the owner.

clockwork pillar (pillar) : produces 1 clockwork quantum / turn. Upgrades into clockwork tower.
clockwork tower (pillar) : produces 1 clockwork quantum / turn, gives 1 clockwork quantum when played.

Replicating pillar (pillar) : costs 2 clockwork quanta. Is active only 1 turn / 3 ("busy", = stuck in time or whatever the other 2 turns). Produces 1 clockwork quantum and creates a Replicating pillar each active turn. Upgrades to Replicating tower.
Replicating tower (pillar) : costs 1 clockwork quantum. Is active only 1 turn / 3 ("busy", = stuck in time or whatever the other 2 turns). Produces 1 clockwork quantum and creates a Replicating tower each active turn. Immediatly gives 1 clockwork quantum when played.

Junk (creature) : -1 / 1, no cost. Upgrades to Trash.
Trash (creature) : -2 / 2, no cost.

clockwork parasite (creature) : 0 / 1, costs 2 clockwork quanta. Ability : permanent infest (costs 1 clockwork quantum). Upgrades to Clockwork virus.
clockwork virus (creature) : 0 / 2, costs 2 clockwork quanta. Ability : upg. permanent infest (costs 1 clockwork quantum).

Fixing bot (creature) : 0 / 3, costs 3 clockwork quanta. Ability : repair, costs 2 clockwork quanta. Upgrades to Repairbot.
Repairbot (creature) : 0 / 5, costs 3 clockwork quanta. Ability : repair, costs 2 clockwork quanta.

Builder (creature) : 0 / 3, costs 4 clockwork quanta. Passive ability : Fabric building (costs no quantum). Active ability : replicate (costs 2 clockwork quanta). Upgrades to Creative IA.
Creative IA (creature) : 0 / 4, costs 3 clockwork quanta. Passive ability : Factory building (costs no quantum). Active ability : replicate (costs 2 clockwork quanta).

Iron Golem (creature) : 6 / 6, costs 9 clockwork quanta. Ability : vindictive, passive. Upgrades to Steel Golem.
Steel Golem (creature) : 7 / 8, costs 9 clockwork quanta. Ability : vindictive, passive.

Iron Dragon (creature) : 8 / 7, costs 10 clockwork quanta. Upgrades to Steel Dragon.
Steel Dragon (creature) : 12 / 7, costs 12 clockwork quanta.

Assemble (spell) : costs 1 clockwork quantum. Kills the targetted Junk or Trash and turns it into a Replicating pillar to the spellcaster. Upgrades to Recycle.
Recycle (spell) : costs 1 clockwork quantum. Kills the targetted Junk or Trash and turns it into a Replicating tower to the spellcaster.

Low Upgrade (spell) : costs 1 clockwork quantum. The targetted non-upgraded creature is now upgraded (card replaced by the upgraded version). Upgrades to Upgrade.
Upgrade (spell) : costs 1 clockwork quantum. The targetted non-upgraded permanent or creature is now upgraded (card replaced by the upgraded version).

Speed Boost (spell) : costs 2 clockwork quanta. The targetted stuck in time or busy creature becomes available (and so can play this turn). Upgrades to Rush.
Rush (spell) : costs 1 clockwork quantum. The targetted stuck in time or busy creature becomes available (and so can play this turn).

Fixing Factory (permanent) : costs 5 clockwork quanta. Can create a Fixing bot for 2 clockwork quanta (once per turn). Upgrades to Repairing Factory.
Repairing Factory (permanent) : costs 5 clockwork quanta. Can create a Repairbot for 2 clockwork quanta (once per turn).

Crazy Factory (permanent) : costs 6 clockwork quanta. Creates a Junk in its owner side each turn.
Up. Crazy Factory (permanent) : costs 5 clockwork quanta. Creates a Trash in its owner side each turn.

Golem Fabric (permanent) : costs 12 clockwork quanta. Can create an Iron Golem for 8 clockwork quanta (once per turn). Upgrades to Golem Factory.
Golem Factory (permanent) : costs 11 clockwork quanta. Can create a Steel Golem for 8 clockwork quanta (once per turn).

Mechanic Buckler (shield) : costs 4 clockwork quanta. Blocks 1 damage for each Fixing Bot or Repairbot you got in play. Cannot block Junk and Trash damages. Upgrades to Clockwork Fortress.
Clockwork Fortress (shield) : costs 3 clockwork quanta. Blocks 1 damage + 1 for each Fixing Bot or Repairbot you got in play. Cannot block Junk and Trash damages.

Force Rod (weapon) : costs 5 clockwork quanta. Ability : gravity pull (costs 3 gravity quanta). Deals 4 damage + 1 per Junk or Trash in ennemy field. Upgrades to Force Staff.
Force Staff (weapon) : costs 5 clockwork quanta. Ability : gravity pull (costs 1 gravity quantum). Deals 5 damage + 1 per Junk or Trash in ennemy field.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Day Of Judgement Card
« on: January 17, 2010, 04:06:06 pm »
No. Just no. Even "kill one creature" is imbalanced, someone proofed why before in another topic. So, "remove" or "kill" all creatures is just a joke. And a bad one - who's laughing?

Then, and here it's personal : i like the principle in Elements that "your hand is holy". In Elements, your deck is YOURS, cannot be affected by discarding and so on. I dunno if Zanzarino made it on purpose, but i prefer it that way. So... discarding ALL the hand? Quite a big change for that game.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Killer Bees!
« on: January 17, 2010, 12:41:24 am »
It's an amazing idea. Some remarks here,
1) if we keep it as life base (+ air quanta needed), we need such good comboes for other elements as well :P.
2) we could really re-do this idea as a new Machine element (machines creating machines). This idea is strong enough to be the base of a new element. We could even develop it and have 10  - 15 cards (with spells, more permanents, etc... if you want i can propose my ideas on it later).
3) Lanidrak shows us that it's a bit slow with those values to play "only" that as creatures - if no good defense with it. So, i think it's ok as life creatures, but if transferring them to a new element, needs lower costs / shorter evolving time.

A question too: beside the fact that you're better "controlling" your creatures with it (and i like it), what's the use of devolving?

Keep up good work, Essence!

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: The ULTIMATE new synergizing element
« on: January 16, 2010, 09:01:45 pm »
Lanidrak > seems you are just trying to state the truth, and not to flame, so, i'll put away the sarcasm and answer seriously. The fact you've obviously not read the thread is still... embarassing.

Darkness = Vampires, life-steal, blood?

I quite answered similar statements to Demagog. Please refer to those answers.

What is your reasoning for an entire new element? 12 is quite enough. Another well known playing card game which I won't mention has only 5 'elements' and it is highly successful.
..? And what is your reasoning here? 5 is ok, 12 is ok, why not more? Why not less? The proof is here: any number of elements is okay, the number doesn't make a game cool or shitty just by itself. It's not about the number of elements here.
The reasoning, if you need one, is that my ideas were a whole set of cards made to be used together (for other ideas, i've included them in currently existing elements, and see the appropriate topic). So the solution to put all these cards together was obvious : a new element. However, this topic totally supports the idea of a 14 or 16 elements game, not a 13 one at all.

As much of an idea as this is, it will never really see implementation. To create a whole new element, you would need to test all the possibilities and so-called 'synergies' with all the other elements in the game right now... That's what...
True. And? What's your point? I should have not created this thread? You're missing the title of that sub-forum. By the way, wasn't the work you're talking about a necessary one to create the 12 elements "Elements" game we play today? So, consider the totally hypothetic following case : "Zanzarino likes my idea and the Machine element idea." Such a work would not stop him if he really wanted to, especially with the bunch of testers he has right on this forum.

12 different Duo-Decks which can exploit every single imbalance in your new creation.

I'm not even going to bother doing the math regarding how many Trio-Deck exploits there will be.
Testing for the win.

And finally: You said earlier that adding a new element would somehow, I paraphrase here, 'be a threat to rainbow decks'.  How so? By including a new element you give a rainbow deck more things to play with.
As mentionned in the topic, i do not support the idea of a 13 elements game. So, "i" would either add 2 or 4 elements, and then the quantum pillars would produce still 3 quanta of random elements... but more elements, less quanta. And more elements => more rainbow towers needed so your deck can really work.
By the way, if you played a rainbow deck, you must have noticed that today, a card costing 7+ quanta of an element cannot be relied on. Because it takes too much time to apply it, you just cannot build a rainbow deck with only 7+ quanta cost cards (<= i feel that sentence is really badly spelled, feel free to correct me). You need something to survive or win earlier.
I hope you see now how +2 or +4 elements would really weaken rainbow decks.

I'm afraid you missed, too, the very last sentence of my first post.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: The ULTIMATE new synergizing element
« on: January 16, 2010, 02:49:41 pm »
updated 16.01.2010 15:48 : added Obscure Bolt and Sanguine Bolt. Now it's useful to have mass blood quanta, and fitting with the other cards purposes.

Each time i'm making an update, i will put in green the new changes on the first post.
Here, i got the idea reading that Inevitable card, no idea why. The Obscure bolt now gives another purpose to take down ennemy HP quickly : he won't be able to heal much. Not that useful for rainbow decks, though.

edit: right after, i've changed all those "quantum" and "quantums" by "quanta" when using plural.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: How about some Trickster cards?
« on: January 12, 2010, 08:36:17 pm »
If possible (not sure) in Elements, those are good ideas (i wonder why no one thought about them before?).
There is a little problem, still: each card played in Elements is seen. So... opponent would know that one of the 2 cards is an illu', just not which one. With living bomb, if the buff is invisible, opponent would still know that one of the creatures has it, just not precisely which one.
And the problem with Kitsune Trickster is, if your opponent watch carefully at your quanta, he'll know it's not a powerful creature. Oh well, this may be not a problem.

I like the idea anyway, but not sure Zanzarino does / can apply it.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: HERO CARDS by Scaredgirl
« on: January 12, 2010, 08:28:06 pm »
"These Heroes are very, very, very, very, very, very rare."

For any player, it only means that the time he gotta spend to get the card is long. Anyone can still get it.

I like those cards, the designs (Obama, lol :D ), the ideas for the powers (clock a bit too powerful though, yes)... but we either need at least 4 heroes per element, either no hero. A lonely hero with his power grants big advantage to a certain type of strategy, not all strategies for a given element. Anyway, with 1 hero only per deck, you must choose what type of strategy your deck is going around (to optimize it with the hero), instead of having several possible strategies in 1 deck.

So... no. Easier & sure decision not to get heroes for Elements. We could still underpower some of those cards to make excellent "normal" ones!

Card Ideas and Art / Re: New Cards. My art! Check these...
« on: January 12, 2010, 08:14:49 pm »
Haha, i had the same idea with chaoterfly, but with the random even on what creatures are hit, that's even better. And better quality here than before, good job.
As bobcamel said though, this gravituria must be changed. Maybe... add 0/3 to all your creatures with gravity pull and does 0/-3 on all ennemies creatures with gravity pull? Or... or target a creature with gravity pull and gives it 0/6 if yours, 0/-6 if ennemy's..?

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Cards for Elements that Need More Cards
« on: January 12, 2010, 08:08:11 pm »
Totally true analysis (plural of analysis? i dunno), and the cards are, imo, perfect (balanced, well thought). I would still add more to Air... has anyone really played mono Air? That makes sense. Maybe with your card-drawing shield and my "1-turn immortal for air-creature"-card , Air would be really better.

Do not hesitate to post more if you have more ideas. You really got good ideas & balance well cards.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Lots of cards to improve Elements comboes
« on: January 11, 2010, 10:27:20 pm »
Oh yeah, i forgot to say about these cases. For the 2 pillars where there are the "equal" cases, then it adds a random quantum to those "equal amounts" ones.

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