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Messages - AeonSiege (127)

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Card Ideas and Art / Re: Slay/death
« on: September 23, 2010, 02:26:07 pm »
The antidote for a card, being the card itself makes the card more valuable, thus more powerful.  The more important and useful a card is for winning, whether to use on a opponent, or counter something a opponent does, or even more- both, the more POWERFUL it is. Useful and effective for winning = Powerful

WROOOOOONG. Valuable has never been synonym for powerful, and never will. Just because I can undo what the opponent has done with the same card doesn't mean it is more powerful. It is indeed more valuable than if negative attack couldn't be reversed, but only for counter reasons not for strategic reasons.

Creatures usually have a good ability, or lots of attack, not both.

On a creature with no ability Antimatter basically kills the creature for the opponent, and gives it to you. Its damage is subtracted from them, and given to you.(ok, healing, not damage, but it amounts to the same) Antimatter on a card with no ability is TWICE as effective as simply killing the creature would be. And on a purple nymph can be used over and over for a affordable price.

On a creature with no attack, or very little attack, but a good ability, antimatter wouldn't be very effective, but that is what lobotomizing is for. Lobotomize on these creatures effectively kills it, and there is no way to fix it, other then to sabotage your drawing by putting in back on your deck and respending all that energy again. Lobotomize is more effective then slay would be because lobotomize is cheaper, and a ability on a number of cards that can be used multiple times. Another solution to such cards is direct damage spells to simply kill them because such cards do not usually have much HP.

You are making my point just more clear. Slay/death would be a mix of antimatter + lobotomize, isn't that OP? If there is a card like Slay/death then why am I in other symbol than that of Slay/death? Useless creatures such as antimattered creatures, lobotomized creatures, or both could even be used for cremation, gravity pull, otyugh, scarab, mutation, butterfly effect, aflatoxin, reverse time, nightmare, fractal, and maybe for new developed cards. Also it would make chimera the worst card ever.

There is already-

Explosion: Destroy any permanent (this Slay card, except for the non creatures) for extremely cheap (1),

Steal: Which is an explosion that also boosts you- the antimatter of explosion.

Earthquake: that will destroy up to three pillers/pendulums (card kill that hits 3),

: Earth quake that can be used over and over for cheap.

Dude this is totally acceptable. This has nothing to do with creatures. Almost every time creatures win games, not spells and permanent. You cannot win a game without damage or deck out. Sure this could prevent creatures, but so what? They don't take out creatures as easily as slay/death. Doesn't this makes the game more interesting?

@moomoose there is only 1 worst idea,12697.0.html (,12697.0.html)

Edit: added more comment

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Slay/death
« on: September 23, 2010, 01:10:03 am »
Yeah, you can reverse antimatter with a second one, so what? That just makes it more powerful, not less.

I suppose the elemental chat, rather then the kongregate one. Is zanz on there much?

Anyway, this idea is in no way shape or form OP compared to many other cards currently in the game that are much more effective then this one would be. If Zanz wishes to turn down this basic good idea on the irrational bases (and without reason) you gave, that's his business, he doesn't need you speaking to that. If HP really needs to be taken into account, maybe 20 HP lost, or immortal status, upgraded doing 30. (or insert what ever numbers, without making the card suck too much)
Nope, giving antimatter a weakness to himself is not making it more powerful in any way. Weakness doesn't add power. Also antimatter doesn't prevents the creatures from using its ability like insta-kill does.

How can you not know about zans???? zans is the GOD of elements.

Your basic idea have been done many many times before, so what makes you think this card is gonna succeed?
Besides that, instant kills adds too much to death synergy (and more if its mono death) also makes hp of creatures use less making only valuable creatures with high attack. You are the one being irrational for not thinking of the consequences insta-kill has in this game.

Of course Slay/death is OP. This card can make UP decks that win by consistency and not by power and/or vice versa, thus making only successful control decks with Slay/death. This has been proofed in games like magic, yugioh, and many other non famous card games.

Crucible Archive / Re: Tainted Source | Corrupted Source
« on: September 22, 2010, 06:37:30 pm »
Card has been changed. Cost has been changed to more or less an average of all thing this card can target and taking in consideration people's opinion. I don't think this card is OP in any way because right now in some cases this card could be one with no use, like in rush deck were there is no healing involved.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Genocide | Xenocide
« on: September 19, 2010, 01:45:49 pm »
This card is WAAAAAYYYYYY TOO OP. It cost should be over 9000. This card reminds me of yugioh destroying everything and cutting hp in half. Elements is better without cards like this. I really don't like this card
if this card is actually allowed cost should be 75.....
I think that could balance it.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Genocide | Xenocide
« on: September 19, 2010, 02:41:37 am »
This card is WAAAAAYYYYYY TOO OP. It cost should be over 9000. This card reminds me of yugioh destroying everything and cutting hp in half. Elements is better without cards like this. I really don't like this card

Crucible Archive / Re: Tainted Source | Evil Source
« on: September 18, 2010, 05:36:40 pm »
You are imagining the water source as a river and that's not my idea. My idea of the water source is more like a cup of wine with poison in it, thus no incoming flow. The only flow comes from the already tainted shard, antimattered creature, vampire creature, or feral bond, etc. There's no new flow replacing the tainted flow in the shard, antimattered creature, vampire creature, or feral bond, etc. This spell was intended to represent a potent venom that could kill a person in only one use, but because this is a game it would be no fun if it killed the opponent in 1 turn, therefore it does damage over time when infecting something.

Obviously if this card requires to be a permanent to be balanced then it could be changed to that, but right now I don't think this card is OP in any way except for cost.

Crucible Archive / Re: Tainted Source | Evil Source
« on: September 18, 2010, 12:39:30 am »
I never worry. 8)
What I said was that it would be a nice way to balance it. Two birds with one stone.
It's easy to visualise for me. Install a machine or magical source that taints the source of the healing. Remove the taint, and the healing source becomes pure again. Hell, the tainting source could even destroy the healing source if it's removed, if you want it work that way. That would be pretty cool too.
I always imagine a source of healing like a water source. Obviously there could be a machine tainting the water, but when the machine is destroyed/stolen what happens with the already tainted water? It's still tainted. You cannot destroy/steal the poison mixed in the water without destroying/stealing the water. The same happens with the flow of tainted energy, the energy is mixed with some kind of poison.

I just like to make my cards physically and theoretically accurate with our world in some way, and that's why what you tell me doesn't make sense to me.

Crucible Archive / Re: Tainted Source | Evil Source
« on: September 17, 2010, 07:15:32 pm »
And those who think this card should be any element, except from darkness and death, please post what element you think it should be.

Crucible Archive / Re: Tainted Source | Evil Source
« on: September 17, 2010, 06:23:10 pm »
@egaborg yeah that my idea about the card, just that at the moment I didn't thought about :death, I don't know why.

@torioto Well..., of course it could be a permanent. The thing is that the whole idea about the poisoned water makes it hard to visualize as a permanent. So, if people wants to have something to counter it I think Purify could do the trick.

@Higurashi Don't worry about the balance, I am making my own analysis and I will increase the costs of both soon. I just want more votes, and even if I don't get the votes I want I will change it.

thanks torioto for the purify idea.

:darkness :death :water :air :aether :life Please vote :time :gravity :earth :fire :entropy :light

Card Ideas and Art / Re: AquaMarine | Elite AquaMarine
« on: September 14, 2010, 09:53:16 pm »
I think this card is OP. It cost less than what it should. For the unnuped, 6 attack plus 2 that adds its HP equals 8. For the upped version, 8 attack plus 2 that adds its HP minus 2 because its upped equals 8. As a vanilla creature both versions should cost at least 8 and adding the ability it could raise the cost by 1.

See the link for more info:,10994.0.html (,10994.0.html)

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Chronokinesis|Chronokinesis (2nd Version)
« on: September 14, 2010, 03:11:55 pm »
Since the effect has been lowered from 3 cards to 2 cards discarded, meaning only 12 cards at most are discarded instead of 18, I think you can lower its cost a bit. Maybe 8 :time / 7 :time. 4 :time per card discarded - 1 if upgraded.

Crucible Archive / Re: Tainted Source | Evil Source
« on: September 13, 2010, 07:15:57 pm »
I just added the poll.

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