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Re: Pendulum Theory https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=11303.msg139954#msg139954
« Reply #12 on: August 16, 2010, 05:17:44 pm »
Would it be best to have all Pendulums in a mono-element deck if you expect Mind Gates?
In a mono deck, a 50/50 split of Pendalums and pillars is prolly the best choice to combat earthquake.  If you expect mindgate, using Pendalums exclusively would definately slow down the mindgate deck.
Actually, from running a mindgate deck I generally dont mind when people use pendelums. It slows how much quanta I get of their elements, but gives me more aether which means I can use more mindgates each turn and/or shields and such easier. If I get a lot of towers early then it doesnt help, but if I dont have as many aether towers getting pendelums from an opponent can be nice :P.

