I spend too much time on chat.
Anyway, to quote Zanz:
[05:47:31] zanzarino: Oh and I am also getting rid of the triangle thingies for the towers, I'll use something else for the permanents - all of them, not just upped towers
[05:48:08] Dragoon1140: What did you have in mind to replace them?
[05:48:31] zanzarino: leave the art alone and add a halo or something around upped permanents
[05:49:12] zanzarino: upped creatures already have lighter colors and black font so those do not need it
[05:49:57] Appawesome: Isn't Halo that one game with the guns?
[05:51:21] zanzarino: Halo. noun. Also called nimbus. a geometric shape, usually in the form of a disk, circle, ring, or rayed structure, traditionally representing a radiant light around or above the head of a divine or sacred personage, an ancient or medieval monarch, etc.
[05:59:01] zanzarino: Ok, going to fix the upgraded card graphic. afk
Anyway, I wonder what Zanz has up his sleeve...