The issue with foil cards as I see it is that, with Vrt already working hard at redoing all the art anyway, you're not really getting anything out of a foil card...lemme explain. You have two options.
1. A game with some so-so card graphics, but if you donate, you get COOLER ONES!

2. A game with kickass Vrt graphics, but if you donate, you get...uhm.... *awkward silence*
The second option is the best for the players, and seems to be where elements is going. The first is probably best for Zanz and Vrt's paypal accounts, but shafts the player a bit. Can you imagine a world where the new Vampire art was made a buyable foil card? I'd be one sad Elbirn. Well, no, i'd probably go buy myself a complete set of them, but you get my point.
Let's look at Chimera. The foil chimera is the sexiest thing since sliced bread. The regular chimera available in game? Eh, less so (though I for one still like it.). But because Vrt already redesigned chimera, we'll never see a better "normal" chimera. We could very well have a future elements with nothing but awesome Vrt art for every card....Except chimera, which you have to buy. I had a point in pointing this out, but I think I lost it.
More random ramblings.
1. Why does foil chimera produce a relic in spins? Why can't it be replaced with a normal chimera?
2. As an alternative to foil cards, what about different mark designs? When choosing the mark for your deck in that drop down menu, you could have the alternate art underneath or to the side or something.
3. I've always wanted some form of customization to EtG. Example, allowing me to change the background images, in game music, load my own card art from my images folder, etc. How feasible would any of that be? Would those things interfere with the goal of earning Zanz moar monies?
4. I'd like to note that, last I tried, donating doesn't yield a reward code anymore. ;_; Unless Zanz fixed that.