As some of you may know, Elements currently has one foil card, and it's Chimera. For those who didn't know; Foil Chimera has the exact same stats as a regular one, except it has
fancier artwork, spins as a relic in slots and is only obtainable by donating to zanzarino.
Now, a good couple of months ago, we discussed the idea in chat of making a new foil card, and have it be available through donating to me. Other reasons for doing so can be found
here, but the overall reason is that I really wouldn't mind seeing something come back for the literally hundreds of hours I've put into creating artwork for this game and the community website. Now, it's been mentioned to me in chat and in emails, that some people would rather not donate in hopes of eventually seeing art for a creature that they didn't think needed new art, or even a creature they never use - and that's a very fair point.. But I do believe a new foil would address the issues.
Mind you, while I sent this idea zanz' way, he hasn't replied on it. I'd just like to hear opinions, and possibly ideas for which cards you'd like to see as foils!