As I understand the problem, the main issue to converting Relics into something at least marginally useful (as they are now, they are not useful to any player who can have any kind of reliable access to them) is that it would be an unfair advantage to those who accumulated relics and didn't sell them, while making people who DID sell them go awry all around the place - and for a reason.
So I have to agree that this, as many other ideas like this, is a bad idea.
But, I think I may see a way to solve the above problem. By converting, with a patch, not all relics into something useful but rather by converting all the nymphs and marks in the spins into something else. Call it the Lost Artifact card. These may be used for something useful and could be farmed only from the day the patch was introduced on, no unfair advantages to relic collectors if not for the fact they now have a completely useless absurdely rare card. Everybody's happy.
...Or maybe not. I don't really see the point of changing Relics, as they seem to be ok the way they are. But, in case we did need to change them, I suggest this as the way to go.