Hello everybody (my first post
I wanted to point out two things I think might result as improvements:
1) in Arena the AI doesn't register the card SANCTUM as a main target for permanent control EVEN WITH DEVOURER/SILENCE DECK. I think this card is a total trump against the strategy of these two cards. Could it be lifted in the priority list for permanent control?
maybe when the AI has played at least 2 devourers and/or has two silence in hand... Just my two cents
2) airborne titan (especially with acceleration) is invincible and very good for a False god approach.
but I am thinking of what could stop it apart from rewind and mutation cards.
death, fire, darkness, air, gravity: all these creature controls all fall before this mighty combo. Water can slow it, just like sundials.
Isn't the case of lowering its hit points?
I hope I posted in the right section.
thank you everybody for this great game!