Well let's look back at this. This is Painweaver's message (yellow text is by me, not Painweaver)
If you can read this, follow my pattern carefully.
412314X2015X4211911 (D2D according to MMC's decoding)
Protect them. My light may guide, but it cannot protect - only you can.
...and 'Not a Werewolf' (or so you claim!), provide your gifts to the person here; as someone who plans on illuminating all the werewolves to the world of light, I believe the person can be of great use:
" (Kuro according to MMC's decoding)
We must remain cautious. Enemies are still abound.
So, Painweaver seems to imply that he is not a Werewolf
as someone who plans on illuminating all the werewolves to the world of light
And apparently Kuro will be of great use.
Also, there seems to be a code that Painweaver uses to communicate with others (specifically somebody named ARTORIAS assuming that is a chosen name for the message board, if it is not, then that is one more mystery)
If you can read this, follow my pattern carefully.
There seems to be no reason for D2D being mentioned in the message other than to protect D2D. Perhaps Painweaver has D2D as a confirmed Town? Maybe even confirmed Herbalist or other important roles, but best not to try and get the specific roles because of the Shadow Wolf.
Those are my thoughts on it, anybody else have some other insight on it that could help?