since no one posted a puzzle, i will.Chase's Puzzlein 3 turns, you must do the following;leave your opponent with EXACTLY 28 hpuse no zero cost cards or Fractal or TU
Turn 1:Quantum Tower (3 )Minor PhoenixCremationCremationFire TowerCrimson DragonCrimson DragonTurn 2:Laugh at opponent for being unable to play anythingTurn 3:Laugh at opponent for being unable to play anything
But you used eight cards on the first turn. That's fine if you lost the coin toss though. But my solution's more chill .Still nothing for my puzzle.Krahhl's PuzzleLose coin toss. Start with no pet or creature cards in hand and use a mono deck. End with no cards in hand, no creatures on the board for both sides, and no quanta except those produced by pillars/mark. Deal 30 damage to your opponent; have yourself at full health. One of your pillars must be non-quantum. Your opponent must be AI. No mutant or vampiric creatures.