Third matchup: (Shrieker's don't give up, they burrow.)
For this matchup, there is the reigning champion:
Mono-Earth Shrieker Rush
The classic shrieker rush deck! Fast and simple.
6rk 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 77g 77g 77g 77g 77g 77g 77h 77h 77h 77h 77h 77h
Then there is the challenger:
hrmmm's V2 Fire Rush
This deck was suggested by jmdt. The deck is extremely fast, going by the turns to win study, it is the fastest deck to kill AI3 opponents. The ratio of quanta production to dmg cards has been tweeked to perfection in this deck, and therefore it runs very smoothly.
5f2 5f2 5f2 6rl 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dq 7dq 7dq 7dq 7dq 7dq 7ds 7ds 7ds 809 809 809 809
I played 100 games for each side, 200 total.
During the testing I gained 5156 points, and 13,491 electrum when including money from cards sold.
Mono-Earth Shrieker Rush:
Win/Loss= 88/12, 88%, with a TTW of 6.364
hrmmm's V2 Fire Rush:
Win/Loss= 84/16, 84%, with a TTW of 5.929
Both decks were fun to play. Both decks performed really well. Also the competition this time wasn't very hard. There were only a couple decks that caused some problems. These decks had a variety of creature control.
Looking at the stats you can see that the V2 Fire Rush had 4 more losses than the shrieker deck. You could say "this is probably due to the Fire Rush running into more difficult decks", but that is not what I observed. I tracked which decks the Fire Rush was losing to, and saw that the shrieker rush was winning some of these same matchups. For example, AntiLord had a deck with flying Eagle's Eyes, which one shot killed dragons and unbuffed lava golems. The shrieker rush, on the other hand, won the matchup since it takes 2 shots to kill each shrieker, and you can burrow one after taking dmg. Another matchup was vs datkewlguy, who ran a deck with multiple otyughs and vampires. Shrieker again wins by burrowing and doing 60+ dmg all at once when the time is right. As the third example, CsuMaestro was running a deck with fireshields, fireballs, sog, and farenheit. Dragons and Lava Golems immediately died, while shriekers stayed alive long enough with their 4 hp to take the win.
Basically, V2 Fire Rush is the best AI3 grinder out there, because AI3 doesn't really fight back. In T50 you will meet more decks with true creature control. Here it actually matters that you are running a deck with creatures with virtually no hp.
If you compare Turns To Win, you see that the V2 Fire Rush did better, but even here the difference is not as great as it seems. Some of those matches vs anti-creature decks takes the shrieker rush 10 or 11 turns to win. For the same matchups the Fire rush spent 15 turns and lost, but since there is no Turns To Lose stat, the fire rush seems even faster.
There is nothing wrong with playing T50 with hrmms V2 Fire Rush, if i ran the 200 game comparison again, it could possibly win. And if nobody is running anti-creature decks (very unlikely), it would be the fastest T50 grinder for sure. But as it is, I have to give the win to the Shrieker Rush.
Winner is Mono-Earth Shrieker Rush!