It seems like the only real niche for this is to fractal it or draw a bunch in your hand and play them at once to get lots of copies going, hoping you get out the gate faster and cheaper as a result.
Minor Phoenix, Microabomination, Guardian Angel, Minor Vampire, Fallen Elf, Pegasus, Wyrm, and most of the unupgraded dragons. Why do you think I made them the same cost?
Also, you can just splash this card for the lulz rather than relying on Fractal. It's pretty fun, don't you think?
Phase Dragons may take a while to be drawn or clog your hand, Copy Eggs unlike Fate Eggs have that 1 turn delay when Fractal'd, and Copy Eggs like Fate Eggs can be easily CC'd before they hatch/emerge.
I tried to cheat the RNG just to see how fast Fractal-Copy-Dragon would be, and I kept getting stumped because there is no way to get more than 2 Copy Eggs on the field AND drop a dragon within the first 3-4 turns. Might as well use TU over Fractal, imo.
If they clog your hand, just discard them. You only need one if you've got a field of Copy Eggs ready. And why is the 1 turn delay being brought up? They'd have a delay when you play them at all, not just when being fractal'd. And what nonsense is this about Fate Eggs not having a delay before using the ability? They're the same as every creature - ability summoning sickness applies. Also - it's fine for you to be stumped about pulling this off in the first 3-4 turns, but why did you assume that in the first place?
1. To discard, you're delaying the deck an extra 1 turn of not playing pillars.
2. There is an extra 1 turn delay compared to Fate Eggs and other non-Aether creatures because you can play the aforementioned Fate Eggs the turn you Fractal them.
3. There is an extra 1 turn delay compared to other non-Aether creatures, say a non-Aether dragon, because said dragon does not do 0 damage the turn it is played.
4. So you agree it's slow.
I was just investigating whether or not this card would be OP with Fractal or with Phase Dragon. Because of the additional setbacks using either strategy, and the fact that this disadvantage is multiplied when the strategies are put together, I stand by my original point that this "Fractal-Copy-Dragon" thing is not very notable.