Well, it looks like you and me are going head to head in round 1. My timezone is GMT-4, so if you get a chance, PM me your timezone, and a time that'll work well for you. Thanks, and see ya on the battlefield!
Ah, ok I'm CEST = Central European Summer Time = GMT+2.
But, this week is my vacation, so I have a lot of spare time meaning I can be on each day from 7:00 GMT to 21:00 GMT, so I would say, pick your favored time.
I meant to mention this earlier. brett, is there any update on this? It looks like the dictator has put the ball in your court, so it's up to you to set an exact time and get it done. When in comes to scheduling, always get the last word.
Also, if you'd like to continue to practice the deck against us, it seems like someone from the team is almost always available in regular chat. I haven't been using Fire chat as much because my work blocks it. :/
Looking forward to your match.
Sorry, I've been kinda busy with all of the HW I've been getting. With quarterly exams coming up, and everything.... anyway, here are all of the other PMs that have gone back and forth.
me: OK, cool. Is 9:00 CEST (3:00 EST) this Friday okay with you?
the dictator: You mean AM or PM? (9:00 or 21:00).
Both would do, but I need to know which you want.
Can't you fight before Friday?
Because that would be a little last minute, which might cause some trouble when
someone doesn't show up. If we try to fight earlier, we can always pick a later time if
me: I mean AM. Sorry, I'm up to my head in HW. At least on the weekends, I can put it off. 'Till then, I'm stuck.
the dictator: Ah, Ok, I'll see you friday then. You can catch me in chat.