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Re: Seraph | Seraph https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=37074.msg465571#msg465571
« Reply #48 on: February 28, 2012, 08:20:27 pm »
I think that one of the biggest problem in discuss is that we got new cards too rarely. If we will get new card each week this card will be fantastic, also for Fire. But when we know that we will get only few cards in a year then we want change this card...

Fire needs nerf and more ability skills for other elements (like Majofa concept - Light card, Fire ability). New card for Fire? Ok, I can accept this, but we want more and more new cards for the weakness elements (there was a lot of fantastic ideas in 2011, also in Rewards2011 topic). Why the best ideas aren't in game? Now we have situation that we have got Seraph in Development and still didn't know anything about Shards for Air or Earth... This situation isn't so fair, but it will solve probably in few days.

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Re: Seraph | Seraph https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=37074.msg465581#msg465581
« Reply #49 on: February 28, 2012, 08:56:55 pm »
I'm not that good of a card designer, but I'll write somethingy.

After testing, it looks kind of less powerful. The only problem I have with it is the niche in the meta.

This and Dragon are kind of redundant. Nothing TOO bad, tho.
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Re: Seraph | Seraph https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=37074.msg465608#msg465608
« Reply #50 on: February 28, 2012, 09:44:20 pm »
I'm with OldTrees and SnoWeb on this one: make this a pure light card, along the lines of cheap targetable anubis. And let's think about something more awesome for fire. How about a fire-card that starts strong, but splits each turn until it get's immolation-fodder? Or what ever, but this?! Lame. This just doesn't fit or help the element fire in any way. So what's the point? :/

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Re: Seraph | Seraph https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=37074.msg465621#msg465621
« Reply #51 on: February 28, 2012, 10:04:57 pm »
is 9 atk for 9 quanta or 11 atk for 9 quanta really considered a rusher?
Not really, but it does kind of fall into a midhitter GoTP range, which a mono-light does lack unupped. (Guardian Angel only fills midhitter niche upgraded. Pegasus and Crusader require off-element quantum for full potential.)

While the card is nice either way, it might help 'complete' :light more than it contribute to Fire given the appropriate tweaks. On the other hand, it adds some needed thematic variety and flavor to Fire but does risk crossing over with Phoenix and Dragon if it does so. I would personally prefer Fire if Elements gets more cards on a regular basis. As Atico stated, we don't get many cards in our updates - given the fact that certain Elements are not 'complete' structurally yet and that we still have a rather small card base, new cards should at least try to help out such Elements that lack completion rather than be there solely for flavor.

As for potentially changing the card to mono- :light , I disagree with this idea. While Seraphs are angels, they share strong thematic ties to :fire and their name literally means "burning ones" as stated by Napalm. Attempting to tie the card to protective effects (such as the Anubis-like one suggested earlier) in the thread steers the card to a might more light-like theme and seems to completely clash with the :fire theme it coincides with.

Overall : I'd prefer this card became more GoTP-like in nature, except as :light :fire instead of :fire :light .  This doesn't seem like the best card to help refresh Fire's variety and it's niche seems to be better off as fitting an open space in :light rather than an already covered one in Fire.

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Re: Seraph | Seraph https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=37074.msg465648#msg465648
« Reply #52 on: February 28, 2012, 10:39:04 pm »
Is it going to be rare?

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Re: Seraph | Seraph https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=37074.msg465762#msg465762
« Reply #53 on: February 29, 2012, 02:46:28 am »
Is it going to be rare?
As said before, probably not, since there's no rare notches on it.

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Re: Seraph | Seraph https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=37074.msg465831#msg465831
« Reply #54 on: February 29, 2012, 06:32:17 am »
After all the recent nerfs(fire is my fav element too and I'm literally fuming) fire could use something to perk us hotheads back up.
Unfortunately I really don't see this doing the job.

I think fire needs something off-the-norm. Something unique.
An easily displaced creature is def not the way to go.
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Re: Seraph | Seraph https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=37074.msg465857#msg465857
« Reply #55 on: February 29, 2012, 08:58:19 am »
I think fire needs something off-the-norm. Something unique.
An easily displaced creature is def not the way to go.
Fire (and Darkness) has got the best unique thing in game - it is "All in One Element". You have got the best PC, the best CC etc. Life or Light hasn't got PC and CC. Huge difference. It isn't good for game, when some elements can do all.
If Fire needs something it should be as Permament. It isn't fair that the best element for PC hasn't got Permaments other than shield or weapon. It is like situation "I can kill You, but You can't kill me"...

We have got very stupid situation in game. When You play Fire/Darkness and opponent play Life or Light then we have situation when You can do all against him (kill creature, heal from vampire, destroy or steal permament, put big damage etc) and You know that he can do nothing for You... I always thought that this game needs to be rebalanced. I can accept that Fire or Darkness are very powerful Elements, but having Fire/Darkness cards should also have negative effects (for example when You use Heal and Your opponent has got Fire/Darkness Mark then deal 20 damage) or other situation - when You have Life/Air/Light mark You give positive effects (like gain automatically (no by card) 5HP for each destroy creature or something else). Today there is no risk to play Fire and there is a lot of advantages. It should be changed, playing Fire/Darkness should be very powerful but with a lot of risk.

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Re: Seraph | Seraph https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=37074.msg465860#msg465860
« Reply #56 on: February 29, 2012, 09:15:57 am »
:light: Divine Burn - Seraph does not deal damage this turn but reduce the maxHP instead.
that ability suggestion would better fit :darkness than light, imo
Maybe it is because you think divine things are always good. But Seraph "burn with the fire of charity", leaving a scar nobody can heal.
Concerning the meta-game: This would give fire a creature which could fight against stall cards. Go through shields (or more exactly around), prevent healing and counter SoSa at the cost of less speed.

I won't fight more for this particular suggestion. This was just an example to illustrate my line of though. I just think that fire needs a card that you can choose to activate or not depending of the present situation, a card with which you need to think. As everybody said, fire has already everything. I disagree, Fire lacks depth ...

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Re: Seraph | Seraph https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=37074.msg465864#msg465864
« Reply #57 on: February 29, 2012, 10:05:45 am »
I think fire needs something off-the-norm. Something unique.
An easily displaced creature is def not the way to go.
Fire (and Darkness) has got the best unique thing in game - it is "All in One Element". You have got the best PC, the best CC etc. Life or Light hasn't got PC and CC. Huge difference. It isn't good for game, when some elements can do all.
If Fire needs something it should be as Permament. It isn't fair that the best element for PC hasn't got Permaments other than shield or weapon. It is like situation "I can kill You, but You can't kill me"...

We have got very stupid situation in game. When You play Fire/Darkness and opponent play Life or Light then we have situation when You can do all against him (kill creature, heal from vampire, destroy or steal permament, put big damage etc) and You know that he can do nothing for You... I always thought that this game needs to be rebalanced. I can accept that Fire or Darkness are very powerful Elements, but having Fire/Darkness cards should also have negative effects (for example when You use Heal and Your opponent has got Fire/Darkness Mark then deal 20 damage) or other situation - when You have Life/Air/Light mark You give positive effects (like gain automatically (no by card) 5HP for each destroy creature or something else). Today there is no risk to play Fire and there is a lot of advantages. It should be changed, playing Fire/Darkness should be very powerful but with a lot of risk.
i disagree with you,  :fire :darkness cannot easily beat  :light :life

 :light has only immaterial shields and swords, wich makes the PC useless on those permanents
 sanctuary renders pest useless, holy light kills  :darkness in general
although fire has great CC options and great rushing ability, life can end up outhealing it and can even be resistant to CC when paired up with  :light using the angel. besides the fact that  :light :life cant do anything against  :darkness :fire permanents too, there's not much left to say

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Re: Seraph | Seraph https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=37074.msg465868#msg465868
« Reply #58 on: February 29, 2012, 10:39:07 am »
My only concern is with the AI possibly immortalizing it with general means (Quintessence, Anubis, Turquoise Nymph, maybe Cloak), and then -still- uses its ability despite being fully protected.

Not that this has happened so far, but just something that Zanz might (not) have overlooked. Other than that, I do wish for a new fire permanent than a creature, but Seraph has lovely aesthetic value and provides Fire another creature option. It seems to be more of a card for kicks and niche decks, and doesn't seem too horrible (compared to any other mechanic that could be introduced). ^^;

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Re: Seraph | Seraph https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=37074.msg465872#msg465872
« Reply #59 on: February 29, 2012, 11:30:30 am »
don't have much to say about card.  i'm not that good for normal game play or card tester.   

but if you try to look at armory(lvl3 card idea),  it's only 1 fire card surviving (don't count forge(lvl2) cuz it's 100% to get some fire card every mounth)

so for me.  fire card is a bit harder and hard for an interesting idea.   ^-^


just idea for card ability.   what about  :fire creature with  :light skill that make anything that target targeted creature get dmg?    :)

