this guts my pillarless lava deck so much. i cannot express how serious a difference the one

1) able to play 2nd golem second turn off turn one cremation
2) able to play cremation for 6 point fire lance with the one

from the previous turn
3) able to play golem x1 minor phoenix x2
4) able to absorb black hole with 1 extra

to use
5) better able to fight off discord
combined with explosion nerf, ouch

cremation was the one card players could use better than AI, this reduces player advantage relatively (AI always has quantum advantage with 2x 3x mark)
like others have said, fire stall suffers not at all. no idea what format developers are basing nerf/buffs around. anyone know? platinum arena? 1v1 duels? themed forum events? nerf golem rush but not

rainbow, life, or graboid rushes? so random...