Actually, I would rather see the salvaging removed/lowered than the discarding, because, as Jappert pointed out: when beating up a gravity player and salvaging three black holes (replace by any player/rare) you can simply buy your own rares, which is not the idea of those rares, as it makes the crafting skills pretty useless.
In my opinion a game like this should constantly challenge you to find the right balance between working on your economy and working on your skills/level. Problem is, right now fighting is the best way to gain both xp AND electrum.
So, I propose the following: Winner salvages 3 random cards, loser discards the same 3 random cards (you can call these PoW
That way fighting will still be the best way for gaining xp, but other options (like working, trading) will hopefully make for a better economy, meaning you will actually have to chose, instead of doing some mindlessly grinding.
I just got the
perfect idea, battling is used for three purposes: to get xp, to get money, to lift a siege/remove players from a certain area.
Right now, you can have all these at once, why not make it so that the winner has to chose?
Example: Players A fight player B and manages to disarm him (wins the game of elements). He doesn't kill him outright, but instead asks for a certain amount of money, and them player B can chose between paying (in electrum or in cards (sell value)) or dying (so basically stand and deliver). For the xp, maybe killing a player gives you 1 extra xp, just for fun.
That way player B loses only time or money, not both, and player A gains or money, or experience (and clears the hex). And if you really want to clear a certain hex (for capturing or lifting a siege), you can always ask for 9001 electrum