I get that there's all kinds of more efficient and accurate ways to track what the best deck is. But frankly I'm not certain about going that in depth...
Would an efficiency index akin to the FGei system be awesome? Why yes, yes it would. But it would require that every deck submitted from now on have incredibly tedious time, score, and electrum tracking, which 99% of testers will not do. Hell, I don't even know how to. I like the simplicity of the current system, as it's open and friendly to anyone submitting stats. Putting an ARENAei would also mean restarting the thread, as none of the stats collected thus far have any of those things.
If an efficiency rating can be made by calculating Win percent, TTW, and EM chance into one number, that would be great IMO. But then you get into time spent even losing, which I still don't agree with completely, and tracking pennies and digits, and I start falling asleep...
As for tracking of rares won, I don't find this to be a very useful/accurate statistic. It's...Very imprecise, I feel. A deck that has a higher winrate than another will be the one most likely to win rares, and thus would have a higher "Rare's won" statistic anyway. And if it didn't, that would have to be a statistical anomaly.
As for score/electrum won: I may be incredibly wrong here, but aren't these the same? I'm fairly certain that, against AI0-3 at least, if memory serves, that electrum won translates into score won at a 1:1 ratio.
ColorlessGreen, you mentioned tracking money won from spins, which I assume means the wee bonuses you get from spinning 2-3 in a row, plus the value of the card itself. If so: I don't find that fair, as that's completely random and has nothing to do with the deck.
Just my 2

^_^ I'm probably wrong on a lot of this, just wanted to state my points, see what you gents have to say, etc.