FGei is back!
If you already know what FGei is, you may skip to the next paragraph. If you don't know what FGei is, here's the TL;DR version: False God Efficiency Index is a deck statistic that tells how much

a player can expect to win per hour when using the deck against False Gods. For a more in-depth explanation, click
All of the Community's FGei statistics are pre-1.32, which means that they don't account for Shards being in-element, among other things. Let's fix that, shall we?
If you wish to participate, here's how:
1) Play a deck 100 or more times against False Gods. That means 100 duels total, not 100 duels for each FG. And no, you don't have to do all of them in one testing session.
2) Collect statistics using the method you like best. Regardless of the method you choose, please collect ALL of the data points requested. (See the spoiler below.)
OpenOffice users may wish to use
- All players are welcome to use the newly created
EtG FGei 1.32x Google Docs sheet. Just "Duplicate" the TEMPLATE tab, rename the new tab to the name of the deck you're testing, and go!
- Pen & paper work, too. Whatever floats your boat.
Spoiler for Requested data points, plus advice for collecting them:
- deck name
- deck code
- link to deck's thread - If the deck does not have a thread, encourage the deck author to create one, or acquire the permission of said author to make a thread for her/him. If you are the deck author, make a thread.
- number of wins
- number of turns for each win (totaled) *
- amount of time for each win, in seconds (totaled) *
- amount of electrum won for each non-EM win (totaled) * ... This should be the amount BEFORE spinning the "slot machine".
- amount of electrum won for each EM win (totaled) * ... This should be the amount BEFORE spinning the "slot machine".
- number of losses
- number of turns for each loss (totaled) *
- amount of time for each loss, in seconds (totaled) *
- number of skips
- number of EMs
- number of cards won from "slot machine"
* For the items marked "(totaled)", the easiest way to collect this information is to use one of the spreadsheet methods. The first time you enter a number in one of these cells, type "=#" (without the quotes), where # = the number you're entering. This will create a formula in that cell. Every time you need to enter another number in that cell, press F2 to place your cursor at the end of the formula, then type "+#" (without the quotes). The spreadsheet will do the math for you. Yay!
3) Post your results in this thread. Alternatively, enter your results on the
GDocs sheet, then post in this thread that you have done so.
Pella (with the assistance of anyone willing) will compile the posted results to create an FGei for each deck. The most accurate results require a
minimum of 10 duels against each FG, with
at least 100 duels submitted by each of 3 or more testers. Half-decent approximations require a minimum of 3 duels against each FG. We don't expect one person to collect that much data; ideally, several people will test one deck and we will compile the results into an accurate FGei for that deck.
To achieve the above "ideal" condition, players may feel free to collaborate in this thread. Discuss which decks you'd like to see tested, then work together to test them. If wanted/needed, we can post a poll for that, though I'd consider that a last resort.
Have questions? Ask away!
Q & A
Q: Which of the several FGei statistics is represented by "FGei" in the GDocs spreadsheet? Does this mean FGei(c), FGei(cn), or what?
A: This refers to FGei(cn). The original FGei thread mentioned that many people use the term FGei to mean FGei(cn). I used this convention to avoid confusing people who are unfamiliar with the designations in parentheses.
Q: I'm using the GDocs spreadsheet, and I don't see the "Testing" menu.
A: The "Testing" menu is visible only to users who are logged in to a Google account while accessing the spreadsheet. You have three options:
1) Log in to a Google account you already have when accessing the GDocs spreadsheet. If you choose not to do this, see #2.
2) Create a new Google account that you use just for accessing the GDocs spreadsheet. If you choose not to do this, see #3.
3) At the end of each data entry session, find someone who has access to the "Testing" menu and ask that person to run the two scripts on the appropriate sheet. We recommend the following two methods for finding someone to ask. Try one or both.
a) Within the GDocs spreadsheet, open the chat window in the top right corner of the screen, just below the "Comments" and "Share" buttons. Click on "X other viewer(s)", where X represents the number of people other than yourself currently viewing the GDocs spreadsheet. If this button reads, "No other viewers" or is absent, you currently are the only individual with the GDocs spreadsheet open.
b) Go to Elements Chat.
Q: What constants does the GDocs spreadsheet use in its calculations?
A: The GDocs spreadsheet does not use the same constants as the STATMASTA™realtec because most of those figures are outdated.
Card Value = 1,177 ... This is an average of the values of all upgraded cards within Elements: the Game, excluding Marks and Nymphs.
Card Drop Rate = 45.657586% ... This is a figure Pella calculated, based on figures used in the original FGei calculation. Unfortunately, Pella no longer remembers which pre-1.32 data he used or what calculations he performed on them to arrive at this figure. He does remember that the entire process was more complex than he would have liked, and it took him about 30 minutes to do the whole thing.
Skip Time = 5 seconds ... Most skips are essentially 0 seconds, while some skips occur up to a minute or more into the duel, depending on your draw, AI draw, cards played, your mood, etc. Five seconds seemed like a reasonable average, especially since the vast majority of skips are autoskips.