Here's some thoughts and strategies against these new gods. I haven't gotten to nor beaten everyone yet. I'll update once I've beaten everybody.
Anduril: Haven't beaten yet. Might need a specially crafted counter deck to win.
Armageddon: Haven't played yet with my Rainbow deck.
Coagulation: Haven't beaten yet. Might need a specially crafted counter deck to win.
Entropate: Like Chaos Lord. Pretty easy.
Evolute: Haven't played yet with my Rainbow deck.
Flying Rainbow 2: Haven't beaten yet. Almost decked him out though.
Halloween: Fun themed deck, but pretty easy.
Halt: The key with these immortal creature decks is Sundialing while you build up a big Bone Wall. Eat your FF; mutate your Skeles for more Oty fodder if they're weak (you'll create more Skeles if you mutate them before eating them) or powerful mutants to fight. His Sundials help too.
Immortus: A harder immortal creature deck. Use same tactic.
Legend: Main weakness is a Gravity Shield or Maxwell's Demon. Fallen Elf + Oty works great too.
Magazine 2: Easy like Miracle. Too many Emerald Towers.
Mindfreeze: Like Scorpio but without the poison. Knock out those Sapphire Towers to make this an easy win (too few of these towers for a water deck).
Nocturne: Fallen Elf/Druid is your friend here. Just make sure you play a FFQ with him to survive that first wave of sniping.
Obliterator 2: Haven't played yet.
Osiris: Take out those Time Towers to make him easier. He doesn't use his TU correctly for this deck.
Pandemic: A slightly better Incarnate.
Phase Doubt: Like Immortus and Halt. Use same tactic. Knock out those Shards if you can to speed up the game.
Rising Power: Haven't played yet.
Seism 2: Difficult but like Seism, the best way of beating him is with Fallen Elves+Otyugh and/or Maxwell Demon+Firestorm. Rewind is not nearly as bad without the Quicksands slowing down your quantum production.
Seraph: Haven't played yet.
Stampede: A mix between Graviton and Gemini. Those Thunderbolts can be really annoying. Drop a FFQ to draw any Bolts. Use Oty+Druid/Elf and/or Maxwell's Demon.
Terra Firma: He doesn't use his Heavy Armor right. Like Graviton, Firestorm his Otys and then play your own.
The Beetles: He doesn't always play his TU correctly. With only 60 cards and 4 Hourglasses, it's easy for him to deck out. Knock out those Gravity and/or Time Towers for an easy win.
The Everlasting One 2: The main problem is lack of attack. Eventually, you can be hitting him for 100+ because he doesn't have creature control. Early Pulverizer means he's dead even faster.
The Ripper: I beat him when I played him, but I can see how he can be hard. He's like Morte, difficult but not impossibly so. I think he'd be better without those Feral Bonds and Life mark.
Tsunami 2: Play like Seism. If you can get FFQ+FF out early, great. Arctic Dragons are easy to take out with Otys/Demon. 2 Firestorms can be a lifesaver as well. Add 2-3 PAs to survive Poseidon's ability better (though you don't have to have it to win). No permanent control except against your Towers.
Twilight: Haven't played yet.
Uranus: Doesn't use Blessings correctly often. Creatures are easy prey to Oty.
Vicious: Easy to build up big Bone Walls with his and your Firestorms. Similar to Hermes in play strategy.
Warlord: A mix between Fire Queen and a poisonless Morte. Plagues are annoying. Eternity would come in handy against him. Destroy those Graveyards and eat those FFQ+FFs.
Zephyr: Another easy one. Druid+Oty and/or Demon+Firestorm for the win!
This is the deck I've been using mostly: