| This is the main attacker in most immo rushes it deals good damage and is relatively cheap. And it works very well with Gnomes.
|  | Phoenix is also a very good damage dealerr and is the only fire card that is really hard to kill. Works great with Crema. |
 | Unlike the seraph this card has 2 hp that might not be seen like an advantage but it is. When you see dragons in immo rushes they are often mono ( but in this thread ) and is rarely colored by multiple elements. The main reason to that is the cost of the dragon, to power it you need several pillars/Pends.
Decent damage, though a bit expensive. |  | Both seraph and dragons are a bit tricky since 1 cremation isn't enough to play them anymore . Both has airborne skill and deals huge damage. Some people prefer the seraph since it's cheap and still deal good damage even if it dies first turn.
The best use I found for dragons and seraphs is when you play pendulums in your deck.
Every time I play this I just wish crema gave 9 quanta. Just like it did back in the day. |
 | My favorite immo shield to power it you will need Damselfly's as fodder. This shield blocks almost everything in its way and the few creatures who go through is not enough to kill you in most cases. With this shield you can kill rainbows and it has been 1 of the key cards for my 'success' in CL. Works great with PA |  | Fog shield is the most common shield in all immo rushes. It's s a strong shield that fits perfectly into most immo decks since it has the potential to be cheep. It may not be the best blocker but most immo decks focus on rush and heavier shields is rarely needed then. I really suggest at least 1 shield in almost every deck!
 | This is my absolutely favorite weapon for crema rushes. It's cheep and deal good damage and heal. I use to play the unupped version in decks not using Braverys so I can afford it, if I have braverys I play it upped.
|  | Yes this works great in some decks when you have gnomes as fodder. It deal good damage and you can burrow it if needed. It also got 4hp which means it can handle 1 RoF, it's just as good as you imagine.
 | Much better than you think. It is my secret cc weapon in CL it kills Chaos wyrms and is good against otyghs and other evil stuff. A tip is to play sob first to fill their hand that means it is going to take 2 turns before they can play it again. |  | What why play this? Well I think this is 1 of the more underrated cards in this game. For only 1 you can see if your opponent is playing an otk or discover other tactics, you can see if it's the right time to play your whole army or just part of it and you draw 1 card, all for 1 which you already have from cremas. It's also great with silence and CC cards and 1 of the best fillers if you don't know what to add |
 | It's expensive but on the other hand most crema decks doesn't have one so people don't think about holding back and if you play 2 it can be devastating for your opponent. |  | Here we have it, the mighty thunderstorm. Only deal 1 less damage than RoF but cost 3 less. They work great together and can counter almost all rainbows. If you play this card I recommend you to have at least 3 dragonflies.
 | What is a silence doing in a crema rush? Well this card is also underrated and it makes a great game with sob. Fill you opponents hand play all your stuff then silence,( it often make you feel like this ) makes you able to attack 2 turns without CC.
Works best in arena and pvp. |  | A must in every deck I think. No need to describe why PC is needed. I use to play 2if I don't play Sob otherwise I play 1.
 | Worth playing in all pvp2 and gold/plat decks I think. |  | Besides the crema it self I think this is the absolutely best card you can play in a crema rush. It makes the deck much faster and even if your opponent draws the same amount of cards your deck is designed to be able to play all the extra cards unlike your opponent.
Tips one when and where to play it. [/size]
 | I use to say that the max cost of none fire and none fodder cards are 2, for example silence frog and so on. But nova can open a new world of cards and even double it to 4. Definitely 1 of my most beloved crema rush card.
Some tips when building a crema nova.
Spoiler for Hidden: Try to keep the cremation nova's decks between 30 and 45 cards more than that makes it unreliable and ruins the quanta balance. I also strongly recommend to play 6 sob's in the deck. The limit for these kinds of decks is 3-4 quanta for none fire none fodder elements. If you play a deck with a max cost of 3(none fire none fodder) you can still play several cards with a total cost of 4 as a long as you don't have a single 4 quanta cost card like steam machine. Try to make a tactic in the deck like when building a normal rainbow, I mean not only rush but also combos like death rainbow and so on to make it original and you make me happy  . |  | Pendulum the card you always have to check twice before you spell it correctly. This card is good if you want to splice your deck with something of a none fire none fodder card with cost 3 or more, for example otyugh and GH.
 | Now it's time for you to find you own cards and combos that can be used in crema rushes and make your own original deck:)
Here are some crema decks I have made or seen in my elements carer.
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