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Re: post your deck ideas https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=23506.msg303007#msg303007
« Reply #24 on: April 01, 2011, 11:37:04 am »
you missed gargoyle! :P
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Re: post your deck ideas https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=23506.msg303094#msg303094
« Reply #25 on: April 01, 2011, 01:50:41 pm »
Vampire silettos are too good to miss a few extra.

Also, I think your nova-bow is inferior to my build. (no offense, I just tested them both. The golem is redundant and the gemfinders cannot double as a pillar. The 2 HL is also unneded.
My version looks overpillared, but in fact it helps to prevail against the biggest enemy of theese kinds of decks, which is RT)
I'd run this, or maybe a -1 HL +1 deflag version:
Code: [Select]
4vh 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 52q 55q 58o 58o 58o 590 590 590 590 590 590 595 595 595 5aa 5aa 5aa 5c1 5f6 5lc 5on 5ur 61q
EDIT: Ohh, and pillars. I would definitely add 20 Earth Pillars (or even more) to that vault. Come mid-rounds, underpillard teams fail first, honest.
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Re: post your deck ideas https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=23506.msg303349#msg303349
« Reply #26 on: April 01, 2011, 08:14:07 pm »
EDIT: Ohh, and pillars. I would definitely add 20 Earth Pillars (or even more) to that vault. Come mid-rounds, underpillard teams fail first, honest.

we need lots and lots and LOTS of pillars/pends. that was our downfall last war
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Re: post your deck ideas https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=23506.msg303777#msg303777
« Reply #27 on: April 02, 2011, 10:08:02 am »
after testing around i like these 11 decks, but wings and immo bow are not mine... its something unlucky and randomly crab... cant say it, these both decks hate me ;-)
im fine with the vault, dont know any more to need, fill up with things, so we wont need to build suicide decks!
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Offline Acsabi44Topic starter

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Re: post your deck ideas https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=23506.msg303839#msg303839
« Reply #28 on: April 02, 2011, 01:01:32 pm »
So here's how I imagine our strating vault(general  stuff, not down-to-each-card specific):

- 2x Grabby rushes, the GoTP version. I tested them all and this is hands down the strongest version.
- 1x Nova/grabby. IMO This is our best deck.
- 1x Scrambled Shriekers
- 1x ImmoGolems. I am worried about this deck's relative inconsistency, so I wouldn't include more than 1 among the starter decks.
- 2x PosionStall. This deck has been effective in Team Fire, and is darn effective here as well. A simple, elegant all-around deck.
- 2x Fat  :light :earth stall ("The Immortal" will do nicely). It shuts down a vide array of decks including firestalls DBH pestal midrange decks etc etc.
- 1x Mono :earth stall with Grav mark or a  :earth :gravity duo. Yeah Pulverizers rock. They shut down a Vader Sader, lots of air decks (wings, OE UG will be staples in  :air 's repertoire) etc.
- 1x  :darkness :earth duo. Denial is an effective tactic and it is easy to build either a heavy stall or a midrange deck upon the skeleton of the deck (pests/EQs/Steals)

Other cards in the vault:
- 15 pillars and 10 pendulums. Useful later and/or makes discarding in first rounds easier.
- BBs until maximum reached. IMO the second best card in our arsenal.
- Add RTs until 12
- I'd like to see the skeleton of a second nova/grabby added. We cannot include any more novae and graboids but let's add the other cards and if we can salvage novae then we can run another novagrabby.
- Vampire Silettos are too good and easily splashable into anything to miss a few.
- Discords. They worth splashing  :entropy on their own, but no doubt we will be able to salvage key entropy cards so maybe in later rounds we can round an entropy duo around our Discords.
- A playset of Wings. They can be run off the mark and are an elegant solution to lots of problems.
- Deflags and Lava Golems. Maybe we can build a deck based on the golems later, but anyway, PC is useful.
- Purifies and Ice Shields. Purifies are a no-brainer, they are splashable.
- PU. They double as Shriekers, Dragos or whatever. Also OTK is a nice surprising tactic.

This is around 70 extra cards. The rest should be replacement for key  :earth cards.
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Re: post your deck ideas https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=23506.msg304845#msg304845
« Reply #29 on: April 03, 2011, 08:26:45 pm »
On a sidenote:
You have run out of time to Complete your Opening Vault.

Remember generals, you can edit your Vault up until the last minute.
So there is no need to hold back on loading up your spreadsheet.
As to the vault, how does this sound?
// might have a few minor mistakes in it since I'm not home and don't have my files at hand. Doublechecking by anyone would be appreciated.
2x Grabby GotP Rush, 1x Nova Grabby, 1 Discording Grabs, 1x Immo, 2x Poison Stall, 2x phat :light :earth , 1x Mono :earth , 1x :darkness :earth
      56   Pillar   62   Pendulum   1   Hematite Golem   8   Titan Shield   5   Gnome Rider   21   Graboid   6   Enchant Artifact   20   Earthquake   24   StoneSkin   24   Basilisk Blood   4   Pulverizer   2   Auburn Nymph
      1   Lycantrophobe   12   Nova   4   Discord
      12   Poison   6   Arsenic
      2   Momentum
      1   Forest Spirit
      3   Deflagration   5   Immolation   4   Lava Golem
      6   Pillar   6   Pendulum   1   Holy Light   4   Morning Star   10   Miracle   12   Sanctuary
      1   Fog Shield   8   Flying Weapon   1   Shockwave
      10   Reverse Time   6   Ghost of the Past
      3   Vampiric Stiletto   6   Devourer   4   Steal
      2   Lightning
      17   Pillar   11   Pendulum   6   Antlion   3   Graboid   6   Shrieker   5   Hematite Golem   6   Stone Dragon
      4   Discord
      6   Purify   2   Ice Shield
      3   Deflagration   1   Immolation   2   Lava Golem
      6   Wings   4   Owl's Eye
      2   Reverse Time
      2   Vampiric Stiletto
      6   Parallel Universe

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Re: post your deck ideas https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=23506.msg305107#msg305107
« Reply #30 on: April 04, 2011, 04:32:37 am »
Sorry I haven't been able to get on all weekend, guys, my internet decided to shut down, but, thankfully, Larry the Cable Guy is coming in om Monday so it should be fixed by the time it needs to be. (I'm on at the local library atm).


I would probably replace those TUs, Ice Shields, and all Holy Lights with either 6x Dim Shield & 3 Fractals or 6x Devourer and 3x Dusk Shield. Another option is to take 12 Ent Pillars, 4 Anti-matters, and 4 Diss Fields, but that'd require a lot more cards.e

The Dev denial deck is really stellar and by far our best counter to almost the entire arsenal of :aether & :life, as well as being strong against other decks. The Dim Shield deck (We could also turn it into a Fractal Golem or Antlion deck if we needed to) while it has lost every single game it has ever played against the RNG, is in theory an incredibly good counter to Entropy, simply stopping many of their best decks outright. (Assuming Stone Skins to counter Poison/Bolts/ect)

Frankly, HLs aren't too useful, as we can usually just out-rush most of Darkness/Death's decks, TUs and Ice Sheild seem nice to have but actually it's better to have more worth-wile cards.

I haven't actually read anything regarding propaganda, but assuming it works like it did last War Graboids/Novas would likely be our best picks there.

To Timer: Sorry I haven't gotten you DeckCheck yet, I promise I'll try to get it to as ASAP. (You may have already gotten it and saying this is pointless, I'll go check that thread now.
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Re: post your deck ideas https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=23506.msg305228#msg305228
« Reply #31 on: April 04, 2011, 12:54:03 pm »
Nice analysis, Terro.
I totally forgot about the propaganda bonus. If we can go beyond the initial maximum card amounts, then we should definitely pick 6 garabby and 6 novae and run a second nova/grabby there.

I also agree that PU is not the best addition to our vault. It was a top-off-my ghead idea to play PU-ed Dragons
OTOH even if we don' t use them in our initial decks, a few fractals are good to have.

What I worry about is the relative small amount of CC in our vault (well besides RT, but that, while being one of the best cards out there, is not hard CC).
[17:04:00] Dragon6: ‹@Acsabi44› You are Rage Potion, Phase Dragon and Momentum all in one
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Re: post your deck ideas https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=23506.msg305231#msg305231
« Reply #32 on: April 04, 2011, 01:03:04 pm »
I'm going to be selfish here and ask that we take some antlions. Nothing big, but you never know when a card can be useful. Plus, fractal antlions is a badass deck. :D
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Re: post your deck ideas https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=23506.msg305797#msg305797
« Reply #33 on: April 05, 2011, 04:44:27 am »
Someone tell me what our starting vault is. NAO! Our friendly reminder isn't all that friendly, you know.
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Re: post your deck ideas https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=23506.msg305909#msg305909
« Reply #34 on: April 05, 2011, 12:22:33 pm »
Our Vault has currently ~140 :earth Pillars/Pendulums. Don't you folks think that is a little too much?
IMO it might be wise to remove ~20 Pillars/Pends and replace them with something that improves other decks, like :darkness cards for the devourers, dimshields and some hard cast CC (I <3 Shockwave).
We can convert 24 cards after each round anyway, so it is always possible to discard a few pillars and then convert something else into pillars.

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Re: post your deck ideas https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=23506.msg305929#msg305929
« Reply #35 on: April 05, 2011, 01:36:09 pm »
Our Vault has currently ~140 :earth Pillars/Pendulums. Don't you folks think that is a little too much?
IMO it might be wise to remove ~20 Pillars/Pends and replace them with something that improves other decks, like :darkness cards for the devourers, dimshields and some hard cast CC (I <3 Shockwave).
We can convert 24 cards after each round anyway, so it is always possible to discard a few pillars and then convert something else into pillars.
We have only 30 excess pillars beyond our initial decks so I advise against it.
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