Adding onto the previous discussion on a "softer" Elements, how do you feel about all the situational yet devastating effects in elements, e.g. Purify, reflective shields, and Sanctuary?
Situational yet devastating effects are ridiculously hard to balance. In addition, as exceptions, they are usually clunky patches rather than elegant balance solutions.
I believe that there should be variation between the optimal circumstance and less optimal circumstances. Too little variation leads to bland cards. Too much leads to unfortunately situational yet destructive cards.
To test my view consider the following two extremes:
Cost: 0
Played immediately when drawn. Flip a coin. Heads you win, tails you lose.
Bye Bob
Cost: 0
Starts in your hand. If your opponent is named Bob, you win.
Neither is fun or valuable. Yet valuable cards appear between these two extremes.
Reflective Shield (unupped only) is the worst offender with Holy Light not far behind
Santuary heals 4hp per turn. (relatively useful since SoG is not much cheaper)
Purify heals 1|2hp per turn. (not much but it is always useful)
Mirror Shield is cheap and has DR and Immaterial. (useful)
Emerald shield has DR and Immaterial. (overpriced but useful)
Holy Light is creature healing. (useless unless you plan to hurt your creature with Rage, Gravity Pull or Voodoo)
Reflective Shield. (reduce your

by 1 to mitigate devourer or black hole)
There is a silver lining. The above cards in EtG do not need to be changed despite the room for improvement.