eh.. only one steal. no feral bonds, do you ever have enough aether quanta to play both quints ANNND a fractal? why 2 hourglasses with only 36 cards, why not just put 3 sundials for added stalling? what happens if you get firestorm and pheonix in your opening hand, which do you play with only 2 quints? no fire queen, heavily reliant on only a single boneyard to get you mass creatures for your druid. two bone walls and a boneyard is a lot of qunata.... going to have enough to pop that plague when you really need it? yea, you got a pulzerizor.... but no shield? your not use'n multiple quanta sources, take your pick of one. what is the real purpose of your fractal.... are you copy'n oty's, and if so, why... you dont have a spammable create a creature creature in your deck, are you fractal'n druids.... or just cpu big baddies?
random thoughts as i look over your deck. 
I'm actually doing pretty well with this deck, i lost to the first 5-6 battles but since then only lost to a 2nd turn PAd Pulverizor Obliterator, but have won to gods I hadn't won ever before like Rainbow, Seism, Obliterator, Devine Glory, Octagon (or whatever the name of the guy with the explosions)...
The thing I like about this deck is that it can go a lot of different ways depending on what I draw first.
I really recommend people to try it since its really fun and once you get the hang of it, you can win almost to any god.
The idea is to get an early quinted oty. play your shields right and use either fractal or boneyard (what ever you get first or can manage better depending on the FG) to create creatures to mutate.
Boneyard- Fractal: Creature making, boneyard + plague or firestorm can be really fun. You can always fractal minor phoenix if you have it, if not fractal a small cost creature from your oponents deck.
Sundail: only use it for stalling, it can be quite a saver, specially if you're aming for a mastery and need a turn to set your shield up.
QT - Supernova... it looks like you need more quantom but trust me, you get enough.
SoG. method of healing, I always get at least 2 of this by the middle of the battle and its quite useful.
Improved antimatter. Super helpful against big dragons, mutants, or whatever creature is dealing great damage + it heals you.
Fallen druid. I always quint an oty and a druid, oty first, and druid will mutate your creatures for more damage.
Electrum hourglass. Decking out is a posibility but it has only happen to me once and against 5 improved miracles. so only use one hourglass at a time, you get 2 to get more chances of drawing one.
Steal, use it only against weapons (or a feral in firequeen).
Im really loving this deck, the more I use it the more i get the hang of it.