I get why you like the deck as is, but I don't think it's likely to be whooping up on FGs without some changes. Many FG decks are rainbow control decks with shields, which is the direction I'd advise you go.
First, it looks like there's some quantum imbalance issues that you've tried to correct by using three different types of pillars. I'd recommend either making the deck life/water exclusively or (even better) taking out some life/water and going rainbow. If you're in love with the grow ability and go rainbow, add a fire golem in place of two forest spirits.
Second, there's not a ton of control in your deck. If you go rainbow, consider adding Otys, Firestorms, and almost any other weapon.
Lastly, one shield in 42 cards prolly aint gonna cut it versus the FGs. Bone Walls are handy cuz AI can't handle them and sometimes wastes explosions.
A lot of players use a FG deck to upgrade cards and then switch to a pvp deck once it's upgraded. Remember that you can always switch back if you don't like the changes you make.1