Helpful links for deckbuilding:
Game Basics:WikiLists all cards from every element. The ultimate database for every deckbuilder.
Dmg table for bolts/adrenaline, effective decks, theorycrafting and more.
Game Mechanics (i.e. The Expanded Rules)Do you want to know the difference between active and passive abilities? This and much more is written in this thread.
Community-Recommended DecksList of the most popular and the most successful decks. Not only good for just copying a deck.
Tutorials:9 Tips for Better Deck Building Everything you need to know about successful deckbuilding.
Deckbuilding 101: From Noob to False God SlayerStarter decks and tutorial for every element.
jmdt's Über Guide to Über DeckbuildingAn insight in deckbuilding, from one of the best deckbuilders. Good stuff

Theory/Studys:Using Quanta Index to determine the optimal number of Pillars in a deckIt's not as difficult as it sounds, but it is a mighty tool to handle your quanta pool.
What Are the Odds? Hypergeometric Probability and You How to calculate the chance to draw a card. The math in details.
Determine the right amount of copies; Draw ChanceA mighty tool, for all who aren't afraid of math.
turns to win study 3.0 (version 1.27) Current study about the fastest (in turns) decks, tested on ai3. Upped and unupped rushes can be found there.
Turns to win studyA study about the fastest (in turns) decks, tested on ai3. Upped and unupped rushes can be found there.
A bit outdated, since ai3 changed, but most decks are still awesome.Win Time Study - Pro Stats for Pro Grinders.Improved study with the goal to determine the best score/money grinding decks. It's still a work in progress.
A bit outdated, since ai3 changed, but most decks are still awesome.Tools:Deck searching tutorialLittle homegrown system to find previously posted deck ideas.
Ultimate Deck Building ToolsetSpreadsheet for everything you need to be calculated for deckbuilding. Recommended for advanced Elements deckbuilders only.
Elements Bolt CalculatorGood to know ... also in a duel. ^^
STATMASTA™3000 - Taking stats has never been more fun!Awesome testing tool for FG decks, tutorial included.
"The next generation of FG-stat-taking-technology awaits you!". check it out!
Turns to Win helper spreadsheetCollection of decktest sheets (mainly for ai3). Want to test your deck? Take one of these!
Deck Code GeneratorNeed to produce a code for a deck but don't want to open the game to do it? This tool is the solution to your problems. Also useful for producing codes for your decks in the Arena.
feel free to post, if you miss a link.