About my deck, a lot of changes can be made here and there. The core thinking behind this was to add into a
rushing deck the creature control and shield piercing so much
needs (and this in a 30-card deck which uses upped but not rare cards in it).
Here is some of this deck's versality:
1) You have a Giant Frog (5/3) or Elite Cockatrice (5/5) on field and your opponent summons a powerful hight attack creature (dragons for example) with 10/5 statistics. Casting a Gravity Force on it will kill it on your next attack, though you will deal 5 dam to your opponent instead of 10.
2) You have a Giant Frog and your opponent summons Maxwell Deamon, Elite Otyugh, Arctic Squid or any other creature with CC which always rapes mono-
. With Gravity Force and a 5-attack creature on field, you can instantly kill it (since they have less than 5 hp).
3) "Mother" creatures, like Elite Firelfy or Pharaoh, are usually annoying and their high hp makes them difficult to remove. However, with only two of your
creatures on field (frog or cockatrice) and a Gravity Force on hand you can deal up to 10 damage to a target, instantly killing FFQ or Pharaohs.
4) A nasty Entropy deck casts Antimatter upon your Jade Dragon, making him actually harmful for you. Don't worry, cast Gravity Force on him and your opponent's creatures will take care of him and they also won't damage you (much)!
5) A nasty Aether deck uses Dim Shields one after another, which is instant death for a mono-
. However, take your time to gather
quantum, draw your Chimera, play a pack of tough green creatures and then summon your Chimera. Its Momentum ability will bypass their shields and it will deal heavy damage on them. As far as I've noticed, Chimera's Momentum cannot be Lobotomised (I'm not sure about this however), so its Momentum ability stays in order to hurt mono-Aether.
6) If you need your Chimera but your opponent creatures will kill it instantly due to its Gravity Pull, then summon the Chimera first, then summon a frog and put a Gravity Force on it. Now you have only a Momentumed Chimera and a Gravity Pulled frog!
* The power of this deck is its versality, but I won't deny it sacrifices a little of its speed in order to do so. But the truly amazing thing is that this deck manages to merge two elements like
with a quite effective way. As for changes, you may wish to add an extra Chimera or completely remove it, or replace the Heals with shields or staves, or removing the Jade Dragons, or adding/removing pillars etc. It is up to you. I never created this deck in mind to create a super strong deck, I made this in order to give versality to
, to make a fun-to-play deck and to make a decent upped deck with no rares. As far as I've checked it, it can farm Silver Leagues pretty well (but this depends on many things).