Hi all, and welcome to my first competition
MARK REDESIGN!!!Basically this about redesigning a mark into one of the following templates:
(try not to change the color of the mark template too much, we want to stick with the actual colors of the game).
All you have to do, is redesign a mark of your chosen element.
1. You may only select one element and place one submission only.
2. Submission must be of all proper formats given.
3. Must be dramatically different from actual design.
- Right click a template and save image as, PNG.
- Using an editing program such as photoshop, gimp, pixlr, etc. You are to designa new symbol or such and incorporate it into the template.
- When you submit, You must place the element of the mark on top of it, here is an example of a complete template you must follow:
FireFollow that basic format and the submission should be fine.
After the submission phase has terminated, the winner will be determined by the highest number of votes.
Voting criteria could be and should be:
- Design fits theme of element
- Design is creative
- Design is different to original mark.
- Design doesn´t look like a copy of someone else's submission, originality.
- Design is not so complicated
- Is easy to recognize the element of the mark.
The winner of this competition will recieve this nifty award icon: The "E" originally represents Elements, but thats up to the winner
Disclaimer Note: This is only a simple re-design competition, this has nothing to do with any upcoming changes to the marks whatsoever.
Also, I would like to thank
Kamietsu for previously providing the mark templates that came from this
thread (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2693.60.html) (you can also use this thread to think of ideas)
A useful program for this competition may be
Pixlr (http://pixlr.com/editor/) Good luck to you all and I hope you enjoy
SUBMISSION PHASE STARTS NOW AND ENDS IN: textIf you have any questions post them here aswell so others can see if they have similar doubts, I will make a seperate thread for voting phase later.