Competition#1 : Real Life CardsCreate a Real Life Elements Card!
Draw it, glue it, cut it and post a
screenshot photo of the card.
- Rustler is banned.
Competition#2 : Like a BossPost a screenshot (and the Deck used) for different categories and show everyone that you are Like a Boss.
Trainer is NOT allowed, PvP is NOT allowed! All screenshots must be done against any AI 1-6.
- Most damage in one Turn (Like a overkill Boss)
- Biggest Creature (Like a pet Boss)
- Biggest Decksize (Like a fat Boss)
- Have most stuff (Creautres, Hand, Permaments, Quanta) compared to your opponent. (Like a greedy Boss) // (1 creature, 1 permament, 1 handcard and 25 quanta more gives each 1 point)
- ...etc.etc.
There will be a 3 Step voting to chose the one who is most like a Boss from all the best submissions. If more than one submission is equally good, then the first one is like a Boss.
Competition#3 : Elements Cartoon ThemePick any Cartoon or Anime you like and redesign elements to fit into that theme.
You can pick the same show someone else has picked, as long as your submission is unique enough.
Redesigning Elements can be done in many ways, either modify the layout of any Elements the Game (ingame) page, create a set of cards (new element or modify an/multiple existing one/s), design FG's, or do whatever you think would fit your Pick.
FAQs and NotesTo chose the winner, there will be a 3 step voting, all done at the same time and made public when all is done:
1st: Staffs Pick (Voting between the Staff Members), each voting for the top 3.
2nd: Public Vote (Voting for the top 3)
3rd: Zanz's Pick (Zanz picks the Submissions he like, can be more than one... or none.)
The % of the 1st and 2nd Votes will be added and the choices of Zanzarino will recieve each another 10%.