Well, this is the Shard Revolution competiton (
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,28847.0.html) Im sure you all have heard about.
Sadly, each person can submit a single shard idea to the competition, while its goal is to create 8 new cards. This sucks because we are potentially missing 7/8 of the good ideas we could have avaliable. Im pretty sure at least 50% of the ideas will be missing this way. I have created this thread, so people can post here other shard ideas they had but couldnt submit. Its supposed to serve as inspiration to people that still can submit a idea. In fact, I myself wouldnt care if someone get one of my ideas and just submit it with no changes.
Our goal here is just make possible more options come to voting phase when it starts. Discussing ideas that are posted is also allowed.
Just to remember, shards are linked to an element, and should provide an advantage to that element.
If you are too lazy about creating the card image, post the idea anyway, and I intend (if I have enough time) create the image.
Oh, just to mention, our card curator, Kuroaitou, gave me permission to start this
Now lets begin!
Some from me: