Lava Golem also starts with more attack, and Forest Spirit is cheaper.
Elemental Cost : Attack + HP Modifier + Ability Value + Bonuses
Attack : 2
HP Modifier : 0 (1-5)
Ability Value : +2 (It's basically growth that requires you to have a creauture out on the field, and might not even give you +2 | +2. Also, you can only have 2 passive abilities on a creature at a time so assuming you wanted it to be like growth each "set" of passives acquired would overwrite the previous "set".)
Bonuses : -2 for expensive ability (even when converted the ability cost is currently 3-6 elemental quantum)
Final Elemental Cost : 2
Other Conversion Formula
(11/7) + (10/7) [Elemental Quanta] = [Other Quanta]
(11/7) + (10/7)*(2) = 4.42857143 ≈ 4
Final Other Cost : 4
Lower the ability cost to 5 Other (do not use
to represent other for a card idea).
Lower the cost to around 5-7 quantum, because without applying the ability modifier the card only costs 7 Other.