Return to opponent's hand after attacking, with negative effect for discard or being in hand. We need more nightmare fodder.
This card can be played if silenced.
This card can be played if silenced. All players become un-silenced when played.
This card silences you when played.
If any player's weapon is frozen/delayed while this permanent is in play, silence that player. Lasts X turns.
Both shields cannot be destroyed when this permanent/creature is alive.
Both shields cannot be destroyed for X turns.
This creature generates quanta of its element.
Change the creature's element.
Creatures lose -1/-1 for each dragon in play. Stats cannot go under 1.
Dragons costs 1 less quanta for each creature of the same element in play. Cost cannot go under X.
Halve both players' remaining quanta. Pillars now generate double the quanta.
for each devourer when this permanent is in play. Generate
if opponent is protected by Sanctuary.
Heal 2 HP's for each empty card-space in the opponent's hand when Nightmare is played. Heal double if opponent is protected by Sanctuary.
The opponent cannot draw cards this turn. Destroy the last card in the opponent's deck.
When any creature is removed from play [dying does not count], deal damage equal to its current health.
Burrow target friendly creature. [Attack stat is halved, skill is not removed.]