With the Art Class, every lesson will try to use a theme. Since we have a million threads in the Card Idea forums, I could randomly pick one, but I'd prefer if the creators would help out and suggest their own cards for it. There are rules to follow for this, so be warned. I also can't guarantee that your card will make it into the lessons, or that any quality art will be created for it. With that in mind, here are the rules to signing up your idea:
Post a link to the thread. Don't post the actual card images, please.
No copyright violations. If your Card Idea currently uses copyrighted artwork, your post will be removed. Keep in mind you're posting things for artists, a bit of respect for them would be approriate.
One idea per community member. That's right, one post, one idea. Don't go listing your entire portfolio.
Elaborate. This is optional, but it'll go a long way to getting your idea used. Explain why the concept of your card idea would make for a great study object.[/li][/list]Good luck!