This card costs too much. If it were a creature [0|1] then it would cost 3[1:]|2[2:]. However permanents cost more for their skills so
5[1:]|4[2:] is appropriate.
The chances are: 1-5 light quanta 50% Photon 30% Guardian Angel 8% Pegasus 6% Crusader 5% Light Dragon 1%. The dragons skill costs more since it summons a random UPGRADED monster
the following values are derived from my Card Design thread (,16655.0.html).
1 Light quanta [Value 1, Chance 10%]
2 Light quanta [Value 2, Chance 10%]
3 Light quanta [Value 3, Chance 10%]
4 Light quanta [Value 4, Chance 10%]
5 Light quanta [Value 5, Chance 10%]
1 Photon [Value 2, Chance 30%]
1 Guardian Angel [Value 5, Chance 8%]
1 Pegasus [Value 6, Chance 6%]
1 Crusader [Value 7, Chance 5%]
Golden Dragon [Value 14, Chance 1%]
Expected Value = 3.35
1 Light quanta [Value 1, Chance 10%]
2 Light quanta [Value 2, Chance 10%]
3 Light quanta [Value 3, Chance 10%]
4 Light quanta [Value 4, Chance 10%]
5 Light quanta [Value 5, Chance 10%]
1 Ray of Light [Value 3, Chance 30%]
1 Archangel [Value 11, Chance 8%]
1 Elite Pegasus [Value 7, Chance 6%]
1 Crusader [Value 8, Chance 5%]
Golden Dragon [Value 16, Chance 1%]
Expected Value = 4.26