Spoiler for Introduction:
This deck orginated from
Eternal Concordance by archayts, but it is very outdated and received no updates, so 10 men made heavy modifications according to Scaredgirl's guidelines for a unique deck, and then I made modifications of my own to 10 men's deck to form what I have now. With 10 men's permission, I started this thread to publicize our deck and expand it with statistics and guides, which Eternal Concordance lacks.
The name, in case you're wondering, is supposed to be
"I Have Got Time". The GotP is just to make it fit the strategy of this deck: to use your GotP to win.
I've GotP TimeHover over cards for details, click for permalink
6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 7n2 7n2 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q8 7q8 7q8 7q8 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 7qe 80b 80d 80d 80d 80d 80d 80d 80h 80h 80i 8pu
The main goal of the deck is to survive and draw your deck. In that deck there is a package of cards that allow you to win the endgame against any (non-Decay) god. This package should be as small as possible. Here's a couple possible packages:
Spoiler for Package choices:
Spoiler for Package 1 (My version):
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 7n2 7n2 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q8 7q8 7q8 7q8 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 7qe 80b 80d 80d 80d 80d 80d 80d 80h 80h 80i 8pu
-2 AW, 1 GotP, 1 TU, 2 Quint , 1 Fractal (7 cards) +13 Towers and 9 Pendulums: Might be a bit slower because it has 1 less attacking creature to Fractal, but it is very advantageous compared to the other packages because this one is able to play QT Flying Eternities the fastest. Also, there isn't really a need to QT Fractalled GotPs, because your Eternities and Flying Eternities will get the god down to a good amount of HP to kill him in 1-2 turns after you Fractal the GotPs. There isn't much a god can do about your army of GotPs, even with a few CC spells in his hand.
Spoiler for Package 2 (10 men's version):
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 7n2 7n2 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q7 7q8 7q8 7q8 7q8 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 7qe 80b 80d 80d 80d 80d 80d 80d 80h 80i 8pu
-2 AW, 1 Anubis, 1 GotP, 1 TU, 1 Quint, 1 Fractal (7 cards) +14 Towers and 10 Pendulums: You have more options which creatures to TU and Fractal. It's nice to play a QT Anubis so you can QT Flying Eternities or GotPs. A safe approach and an allround package.
General Strategy:
Play an Eternity as soon as possible to stall the opponent’s critters and draw rate. Fly the Eternity as soon as you can against gods without CC; QT a flown Eternity right away if the god has CC. While stalling, use your Hourglasses to speed through your deck. When your health gets critical, throw up a Phase Shield and start chaining them. You can sometimes let the shields drop if the god doesn’t have too much potential damage built up. You may play your GotP (and Anubis, if you’re not using package 4) early with or without QT early depending if the god has CC. As your Eternities and other critters pummel away at the god’s health, wait for an appropriate moment to Fractal burst your GotP for the win. The appropriate moments are:
1) When your hand is relatively empty and you can kill it god in 1-2 turns after the Fractal burst.
2) When a miracle god is down to a health where the number of playable GotPs you get from Fractal will annihilate them. The recommended health is 50.
3) When the god you are facing as no CC or healing, you may Fractal very early in the game.
Spoiler for Package 1 (with individual guides, statistics, and screenshots):
Spoiler for Guides and screenshots:
Spoiler for Akebono:
Akebono (Easy): An early Eternity secures your game. Akebono is a mono False God, meaning that his strategy is always the same. Rewind his dragons and Armagios to negate the effects of Overdrive, as well as deny those precious

quanta he has. If you want, TU an Overdrived dragon or Armagio before Rewinding it for a faster victory. Fly that Eternity then QT it right away, in case he Overdrives it (although it is unlikely because Eternity has high hp), for a field lock on his side.

Spoiler for Dark Matter:
Dark Matter (Very Hard): Hope for early Eternities and Hourglasses, because it is necessary to get through your deck quick before her Nymths, Chargers, and Titans come out at an overwhelming amount. If you don’t have 2 Eternities out yet, Rewind priority should be: Gravity Nymth > Otyugh (if you are about to Fractal your GotP) > Elite Armagio (obviously you don’t like to be stalled) > Archangel (if this comes out in the early game, this should be the second priority because you can actually prevent more from coming out, as Dark Matter generates

at a slow rate from her Marks alone) OR Massive Dragon (Rewind this to deny

in the early game, same priority as Archangel) > Elite Charger.

Spoiler for Destiny:
Destiny (Very Easy): Just Rewind his hatched critters several times. Destiny’s 12 Supernovas in his massive deck is not enough to fuel anything non


that are Rewinded several times. Rewind the Druids if necessary to prevent them from mutating your Flying Eternities, if you didn’t already QT them.

Spoiler for Eternal Phoenix:
Eternal Phoenix (Hard): Just like Divine Glory, play your things right and you can keep those Phase Shields on forever. When things get out of hand after EP Fractals his Phoenixes, use Phase Shield. Don’t wait till you’re at critical health before you play the shield, or she will Lance you to death. Try to TU his dragon and QT it. You should be able to last long enough to win with a TUed dragon before you need to Fractal GotPs.

Spoiler for Ferox:
Ferox (Easy): It’s only the rush that he puts up that you have to worry about. If Ferox ever has any cards in his hand, it can only be Jade Shields or Jade Dragons. Watch your potential damage carefully to make sure you can survive that in-coming dragon the next turn if you want to risk it. Lay the Phase Shield after you can take no more damage, then try to get multiple Eternities on the field to Rewind his entire field so you can get past that Feral Bond.
Extra tip: After you play your Phase Shield and heal for several turns, if your damage potential bar has a fair amount of green to ensure that you won’t be taken down by a surprise dragon, let your chain drop for one or two turns so you can save a turn to Rewind more of his creatures to get past his Feral Bonds. This somewhat risky move is done to make sure you won’t deck out because of Ferox’s crazy healing.

Spoiler for Fire Queen:
Fire Queen (Easy-Medium): Rewind Queens when you can. Things can get messy if FQ gets too many Flies or flown Weapons out. Don’t be afraid to fly your Eternity because it is crucial to put her to a lock as soon as you can. The Flying Eternity can survive 2 Lances if she has less than 10

, and she rarely ever has 3 in the early game. Beware of Eagle’s Eyes if you don’t QT your flying Eternity.

Spoiler for Incarnate:
Incarnate (Very Easy-Medium): Rewind Vampires and stall. Incarnate rushes but often don’t have enough

to play all his creatures fast, however a surprise Eclipe is deadly so be prepared play a shield early even if your health is not critical. Fly the Eternity and QT it right away. If you don’t have any QT at the time and Incarnate don’t have more than one Bloodsuckers, Rewind the Bloodsucker to keep it from infecting the Eternity you are going to fly.
Extra tip: After you play your Phase Shield and heal for several turns, if your damage potential bar has a fair amount of green to ensure that you won’t be taken down by a surprise Vampire or Eclipe, let your chain drop for one or two turns so you can save a turn to Rewind more of his creatures so you can lock his field and survive even if you run out of Phase Shields. This somewhat risky move is done to make sure you won’t deck out because of Incarnate’s Bone Walls.

Spoiler for Jezebel:
Jezebel (Hard-Very Hard): 8 Steals and and 6 Cloaks. I recommend a skip, although it is possible if you get a flying Eternity quickly, then Rewind her non


Nymths, hopefully to put her in a lock as she keeps on making more tears with her Quantum Towers. She'll eventually run out of Quantum Towers to play the Rewinded nymths.

Spoiler for Neptune:
Neptune (Very Easy): His lack of Water Towers often times and the abundant amount of Shockwaves clogs up his hand, making his rush not very effective. Stall until you can take no more damage, then chain shields. Slowly pummel through Neptune’s health bar while you accumulate

to Fractal GotPs. Fractal when you can play the full hand of GotPs and play them all at once. Don’t worry about CC because Neptune has no method of healing, so there is no need to surprise him. Leave 1 GotP in your hand to Rewind.

Spoiler for Package 2 (with statistics):
Spoiler for Win rates, EM rates, TTW:

Some comments to it:
Winrate 67.6%... that's pretty damn high. I have to say though that I ran pretty well in a lot of those games. For example you shouldn't expect to win 60% against Dream Catcher. I just had a lot of fast Eternities.
Obliterator is highly dependent on whether he draws Pulverizer in the first couple turns, if he does you just lose. So you normally should expect a winrate around 30% against him.
Other matchups that can go that well, but don't have to are Eternal Phoenix, Gemini, Hermes and Rainbow.
On the other hand I felt like I should have a better chance against Akebono and Graviton. Against Akebono, once you have one Eternity out, the game is pretty much sealed, but I had multiple games where all of them were in the bottom 20 or so while he had an overdriven momentumed creature. Against Graviton I was a bit unlucky with my draws and his Explosion topdecks.
I was positively surprised how the Osiris matchup played out. I expected to lose a bunch of games to his catapults, but even when he had his catapult-scarab engine going, I was still able to race him with a Fractal GotP OHK. GotP really shines here.
If you have any specific questions regarding the matchups feel free to ask them here.