I have been with this community for a little while now, those are my 2nd trials, and it is no secret to anyone that darkness is my favorite element.
But, honestly, does anyone know the real reasons of it? Does anyone really know me? Is there anyone that would be able to even tell what is my favorite color and why? It doesn't really matter, but it's a part of myself anyway.
A bit about myself
I am a young man of 18 years old. I live near Trois-Rivières in Quebec, Canada. I am currently in college ( we have a different school system, here we have 2 years of college before university), and next year I'm going to university for a double-bacc in Math and Math teaching ( if I am not wrong, in your system this is like a double-major). I spent the time needed to do my homeworks and studies between classes, which makes it so that , when I am back home, i have time for elements.
I am someone that is really open-minded and I love communication, which is mostly why I want to be a teacher. To me, communication is the key to everything. That's also one of the reasons why I absolutely love the elements community. It has a wonderful chat and incredible members which can help you when needed, and my goal is to be a great part of this community, to stand out as someone that helped this community, as someone that we will remember, and not only for the bad parts, but also the good parts, and the things I've done.
Speaking of, let's go with my elements past.
I am someone that loves events, I've participated in many events, and even organised some back when I was a PvP Organiser , which is now called PvP Event Manager.
I am also the creator of SHUT ( with some credits to Hyroen, gavsword, ddevans, Sorry if i forgot someone who thinks deserve some credit), which I believe I can say without a doubt, was the longest ever-lasting unnoficial tournament, which happened 2 times each sunday. I would show up each sunday, almost all day long to be able to organise both tournaments. By the way, for those interested, I plan on restarting SHUTs very soon.
What about my PvP part of which i spoke of earlier? What , as a PvP player have I done in elements community?-I was lieutenant in War 2 in the Underworld team. Which means I had to fight in a double-elimination tournament to end up in the top 8 to be on the team. By the way, I would like to mention that I got lucky in 1 matchup of that tourny where I got countered and still won because of bad draws. ThatNewGuy most probably should have been on the team.
-I won a weekly tournament, and got a couple 2nds, 3rds and 4ths.
-In the first Draft, I was in an awesome and got a good win/loss ratio (10/7), and I was extremely active and played loads of matchups.
- I played in a lot of events, I think those are the most worth telling. If you have any question, you can ask me personally.
But now PvP , PvP , PvP... what about PvE?I somehow do not like PvE all that much. I simply do not have fun grinding. I am someone that really dislike doing things for nothing. I am someone that needs a goal, an objective beneath things before I spend time. Though, when I find it, I put my all into it.
While not liking it, I grinded a lot lately to widen my darkness set. While I still don't have it complete, I am very close to it and it might be done soon. I honestly think I have all I need for any upgraded darkness event.
Darkness, Darkness, why Darkness? 
When I first started elements, I chose fire. I manatged my decks and based it on my dear fireballs. Basically, my first ever element deck was a fire stall. I played it for a while, but then ended up getting bored. I reseted my account.
I then used water, because the creatures seemed to have many synergies. I thought that water would get me a better understanding of every element. I tried a waterbow. I disliked it, got bored, and I reset my account.
Then, I made a FFQ deck. I ended up getting bored, and I reset my account.
Then ...
( i pretty much tried all the stuff, reseting my account after every time.)
Then, I went on with the super hyper awesome uber SG bow. I killed FGs tons, got loads of upped cards. Got bored of the FG bow and , even though i had a lot of money and i could ahve bought new cards, I reset my account. ( I was young and stupid

Then, I re-tried darkness. Because of 2 things : I loved how devourers worked. Steal your opponents quanta while giving you quanta. Denials the opponent while it brings in the main function of a deck; building up quanta. The second thing was Vampires. I like how it dealt damage while it healed you back. How, just like pests, it had 2 functions at 1 time. I also loved the EMs it brang to me while I played AI3.
And i played with darkness,
And played with darkness,
And played with darkness,
And I never got bored, and never reset my account again.
Just for the ones of you that were wondering, my favorite color is blue. To me, it represents the deepness of things, it shows the infinity with the skies, and the unknown with the ocean. I love blue eyes.
Now , questions.
Sorry for the 'spam', but I really did put some thought into these questions! ^^; (Even though some of them are a bit absurd and more of a personality gauge than anything)
Q: “Darkness players can be pretty sneaky with their tactics (Cloak, Nightmare, etc.)… name a prank or something silly that you have done (in elements or in real life) that you managed to pull off and laugh about later. Do you think that Master of Darkness should embody this 'trickiness' that I speak of? Or do you think that they should have a different characteristic than what I described?”
Oh wow, a prank of something silly I have done. I have done loads of silly things, though I don't think they fit here

. I have not done many pranks, to be honest, I belive the worst I've done was in a class in my 3rd grade of highschool. The teacher had left the class to go get something, and , as the one sat near the door since I arrived late, I locked the door, and his keys were in the class. He wasted 10 minutes to go bother the teacher of another class to get his keys to open the door to our class. We all had a great laugh, and the teacher never learned who did it, nor did it matter as we all got a punition ( a very long homework

). I do not think that darkness is trickiness itself. To me, darkness is to prepare your actions greatly, to be sure that nothing can counter your plans. Cloak doesn't let your opponent control your things, and Nightmare doesn't let your opponents hand to fill with cards that could destroy you.
Last time, I asked Darkness trialists to show me the brightest side of Darkness. Now, I ask you to bring the rainbow in Darkness and build a deck about it.
Is Darkness evil?
Add to your responses a song that reminds you of Darkness.
As I do not know if you mean it to be an unupped or an upped bow, I will make one of both.
Unupgraded : A Denial Bow.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4vl 4vl 55v 55v 55v 593 593 593 5um 5um 5um 5um 5um 5um 5ut 5ut 606 606 606 606 606 606 622 622 622 622 8pu
Compared to pestal : Advantages: Offers more opportunities, Can help versus novas bows where pestal fails.
Inconveniants: is a bit less straightforward, so less consistant and bad draws, so getting fractal devourer can take a bit more time. But discord/EQ/blackhole can help slow your opponent while you put it up.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 7an 7an 7dr 7dr 7jv 7jv 7jv 7n2 7n2 7n9 7ta 7ta 7tb 7tb 7tb 7td 7td 7td 7td 7td 7td 8pt
Vampirebow. Is very weak to Reverse time, but otherwise its awesome-ish.
I always loved vampires

Almost as much as I love pests

I always will stand my point on this. Darkness is
NOT evil. Darkness is , in fact, the unknown, and humans, instinctly , tend to fear the unknown. Like people are scared of death, because they don't know what's coming after it. Darkness just takes advantage of that, of the shadows, of what people fear only because they are in the ignorance.
Skillet - Whispers in the dark (
Darkness is complex: Haves good CC, PC, anti CC/PC, denial, damage and staling power.
Q:"Design a card that can make darkness even complex, bringing darkness another archetype, building a deck around it."
First of all, I would like to point out that Darkness's CC is not as great as many other elements. Second of all, stal
ling ,

Card Idea: Shadows|Shadows (
This would be an other way of not letting your opponent control you, as answered in kuro's question. Adds in a
hax random aspect as the dusk shield, too.
Darkness seems to hate you, although you probably don't seem to feel the same about it. As it stands, TorB and Xenocidius will most likely get all the votes.. How are you better then Xenocidius?
First of all, I do not pretend to be better than Xenocidious. He is a great part of this community as well, we just bring in different things. While doing card image builders is not my thing, I, personally, have not seen Xeno prove himself in PvP. I believe me and Xeno are complementary , not better one than another, but both excellent challengers for the darkness master title.
As for torb... he is already the longest ever-lasting darkness master, time to let place for other people

As for bogtro, while he is a little less known, he is definitely a great challlenger too. I got to learn him more in this trials phase 2, and he loves darkness a lot, and surprised me a whole lot in those matchups. He is a great person to put votes in too.
As for darkness hating me... I don't see why darkness would be hating me...I'm still not sure i totally understand the question.
Who has been your favorite Master and why (you cannot choose me or yourself)? What qualities makes this person an ideal Master?
Damn I was gonna choose you I would have to say Napalm. Because she represents her element so well. When you say fire, Napalm comes to mind. Napalm is the incarnation of fire in the community.
ji412jo: How active do you plan to be in the future?
While I have left once for a few months, for both elements reason and real life reasons, exams were a pain >.<, I plan on being active in elements a lot, as I have been in the last few months. If i did not plan to be active, I , ofcourse, would not have joined trials, mind you.