Task I - Card Design

Revised because of the effect being overly complex previously. Four O'clock is a type of flower that is said to bloom only in the late afternoon onward (like, around 4PM); Google it if you don't believe me. That said, this provides added synergy between Light and Life through Rustler/Leaf Dragon. It's an interesting synergy by using another card as a link between the two Elements, but the effects from adding Rustler + Light quanta to this card are tremendous. You would normally expect to produce a maximum of 10

per turn with Pillars/Pends/Mark alone, but with Rustler/Leaf Dragon your limitations are removed and you can serve up dangerous amounts of damage depending on how much quanta is produced. It also becomes much more dangerous with Mitosis and makes a good target for it regardless of how its attack is increased. The idea here is that Four O'clock receives its strength from sunlight, hence why Photosynthesis (Rustler's ability) makes this effect even more powerful. You might say that after the flower attacks it basically discharges the energy stored, returning it to its non-bloomed state. It's a pseudo-Growth ability, although I personally like to think of it as a Bolt in creature form.
-Bloom is an active ability.

produced is calculated by subtracting your current total

from your total at the end of the previous turn. If the difference is negative, its attack is unaffected. For simplicity's sake, if the amount of quanta produced is not evenly divisible by 4 then its current amount is rounded down. So if you generate 3

then you gain 0 attack. This difference is calculated before the creature attacks, of course.

Synergizes with Four O'clock somewhat since this basically prevents Rustler from getting vaporized off the face of the earth for a turn, plus it's a Light creature which links the two Elements.
-Based after Saint Francis of Assisi, to avoid possible confusion.
-Safeguard affects both players, not just the opponent.
-"1 Full Turn" means during the turn that you started by drawing from your deck. In other words, the turn that you activate Safeguard is not considered your opponent's turn of protection, it's the next turn that is.
-Attempting to activate Safeguard while Safeguard is already in effect will ultimately fail due to it ironically being an effect that targets creatures. So no, there's no chance of this effect being OP with Fractal, Adrenaline, etc.
-Safeguard does not protect the player from field-affecting permanents such as Flooding and Eclipse. It does however stop Rain of Fire, Pandemonium, Unstable Gas, Sky Blitz, etc. from coming into effect.

-Original HP refers to the HP originally stated on the card.
-Consider what could be done with this card and Rustler/Leaf Dragon.

Absolute chaos with Green Nymphs
Task II - DeckbuildingFinished!